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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Jam in a Jar ... the man who plans to bring the band back to the bar ... to REOPEN

Jam In A Jar

For those that don't follow Jam in a Jar on FB the current update is that they are to reopen soon which is causing a lot of excitement on their FB page (although no date as yet).

Having reported back in June the owner's disappearance into festival land it appears they are to return with some investment into the premises & a new earlier closing time of 11pm (to let those living upstairs get some shuteye). Makes one wonder how those living above or even half way up Hewitt Rd cope with the noisy Bun in A Bar but, that's another story.

So just as Autumn & Winter creep towards us it looks like the dark nights may well be lit up by some local outings of excellent music & a good crowd too ... phew!


image: (from FB page) ... Quto, the owner, in the background ... possibly ruminating about the new closing time restrictions 

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Great news [and nice to see my photo again! ;o) ]

 I know someone who saw them open recently & popped in for a chat. The 11pm closing time was mentioned in that conversation. See how things go. Judging by the photo above I don't think Quto is too bothered :)

Have to see if they open first. The band is still touring, at Bestival right now. The band has raised £462 for their EP so far. Maybe a few more beers sold at Jam in a Jar will help things along.



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