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Having escaped one firing squad with today's court judgement, Uber still face the threat of Boris's new private hire proposals.

On the face of it, those proposals would appear not be in Londoners' interests, but then I haven't spent any time getting to the heart of the matter. Does anyone else know the case for and against the proposals?

In the meantime Uber have launched a petition to support their case which at the time of writing has gathered over 130,000 signatures.



Guardian Story

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The least I can, even if I've already paid for them. 

I notice the media spin against Uber, eg yesterday's papers 'passenger raped by Uber driver' ie by a mini cab driver......London Black Cabs have been robbing people for years and are only used by politicians and business people on expenses, rich tourists etc.If you can afford a Black Cab out of your own pocket you are doing well. Mini Cab drivers work their backsides off for a pittance and cannot hail and ride like BCs. Not quite sure why London mini cabs aren't up to the standards of other cities in the UK and Europe which have to display signage and drivers' id inside the cab. All ours have is a blue sticker in the back window which seems just for bus lanes and any fool could print one off.......

Overall a good service. Some teething problems here and there that could be ironed out as the business evolves. My wife uses it regularly to go from N15 to her studio in E8. The booking is simple. The notification of arrival is simple as the app shows you exactly where the driver is. Payment is simple and efficient - no fiddling around for more cash like in the metered cab as the fares tick up. Even complaints are dealt with efficiently. This brings me onto the flaw in that drivers could do with learning the "knowledge" like their black cab compatriots rather than desperately eyeing the sat-nav (and ignoring the passengers better local knowledge) so that they get from A to B as quickly as possible. Also it is a bit annoying trying to direct an Uber driver to a location like I did on Sunday when language presents a barrier - we got there in the end as I could see where he was on the app. He didn't mind the fact that his cab was then filled with all the items we had used at an exhibition that day.

Black cabs need to move with the times and adopt the same systems, pricing structure which then combined with greater knowledge of London streets would create a top notch service. Instead what we will get is this backwardness as a better product threatens the status quo. It is a bit like opposition to Air BnB. 

You can order a black cab on Uber, Uber is just a system for requesting, tracking and mapping different types of vehicles you chose you want, in a way that's far superior to previous systems.

If you want a licensed cab that knows the knowledge you can order one. If you want well regulated and trained vehicle that can cater for disabled people, you can order one. If you want to effectively car share with a complete stranger ( uber taxi ) you can.

Uber do need to make it clearer that an ' uber taxi ' is currently only regulated by their internal vetting system and peer to peer reviewing system but personally I feel really safe. Being able to tell your partner the name of the driver and registration of the cab you are getting in before your cab arrived and have it GPS tracked and the driver peer reviewed seems a safer system than we had before.



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