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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

In another post Alan Stanton has drawn attention to a event being held in Cannes tomorrow. The Haringey Chief Exec is hosting the "Tottenham Lunch" aboard the Clara One yacht. In describing the event to me, a little bird said "Tottenham's being bloody sold on a yacht in Cannes tomorrow". 

Is that fair comment? Does anyone know any more?

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I have been living in Tottenham for 10 years and have never been mugged or been on the receiving end of threatening behaviour etc. I walk around at all times of the day and night, mostly heading home alone.

I'm obviously not saying these crimes don't happen, that would be ignorant and simply stupid but it isn't as common place as many seem to think.

The salons, coffee houses, shisha bars, restaurants, pubs, Children's Centres, parks, social clubs, barbers, playgroups, hairdressers, offices, design studios, nail parlours, evangelical churches, busstops, photocopy machines, mosques, allotments, libraries (sshh!) and thousands more places where Haringey residents gather and gossip have been abuzz with only one topic this week.

What was on the menu for the "Closed Private Tottenham Lunch" for the Chief Executive and others, on board the yacht Clara One on 12 March in Cannes? And what was the bill?

I've taken a deep breath and asked this and related questions in a Freedom of Information Act Request here.

Now being defended on Haringey website. Sponsored by developers. Our masters calling all the shots!

Anyway didn't it occur to anyone in Haringey that canapés in Cannes on a yacht called "Claire One" would be deeply embarassing?

Haringey Council has raised £13,000 in sponsorship from developers and businesses towards the overall £16,000 cost of taking part in MIPIM [trip to France].

Couldn't some obscure govt fund have paid for that trip, rather than the developers, who will benefit from these proposed plans!

As reported by the Haringey Independent, Council leader Cllr Claire Kober said:

“Thousands of local people have spoken passionately during the past few months about their ambitions for Tottenham’s future and it is right that we secure the right investment to turn those ambitions into reality. “To achieve local people’s priorities such as more job opportunities, better housing and improved transport links, it is vital we get the right partners on board."

Of course! Silly me!  And I've been a Tottenham councillor for nearly sixteen years. How on earth could I have completely forgotten what thousands of local people have passionately told me as well?
  Even today as I walked up Tottenham High Road to my dentist, at least two hundred people stopped me to say exactly the same thing.  Passionately insisting how much they want twenty storey tower-blocks all over Tottenham and especially in their own local streets.
  "My sister and her kids live in a tower-block in Walford", one local parent told me. "They're so happy on the 13th floor. They love the exercise they get when the lifts break down."
  "Please Cllr Stanton", said a local trader who lives above his shop. "We can’t wait to have this estate and our shops knocked down. Our passionate dream is to move to a tower-block between the railway line and a main road".
  Several of my neighbours had seen the story about the yacht in Cannes and were delighted. "It's exactly what we said to Claire Kober when she popped round for tea and a chat", they explained.  "Make friends with the developers - we told Claire - Let them take you on a trip to Cannes. Wine and dine you. What a shame Claire herself couldn’t go. Maybe next time?”
  ”"Lunch on a yacht in the Med?”  hundreds of people said to me this this morning. Sure. We passionately hope you councillors insist these generous sponsors pay for a free hotel and free plane fares as well. Free lunch, free breakfast , free everything!“
  "Freebies for councillors and staff. Politicians bought and paid for. Good for you”, they all chanted in unison like one vast approving choir. With wide smiles. Enthusiastically shaking my hand and slapping me on the back with stacks of fifty pound notes.
  “Alan”, residents shouted at me from across the street as I walked past Aldi, “Be sure to let 'the developer community' know that they are our dear dear friends. And that Tottenham is for up for grabs at bargain prices. We’re like a pound shop with 50% off.  Give it away if necessary. Hand over the borough to developers and landlords with complete freedom to build whatever and wherever they want. As high as they choose. As crowded as they like. People crammed into tiny little hutches. It's our ambition - what everyone loves. And for developers to make as much money as they want. That's why we voted Labour."
  "We told that nice Cllr Alan Strickland that we want regeneration. And what’s regeneration if it isn't sending in the wrecking balls to demolish huge chunks of Tottenham, to build tower-blocks and make it look like the centre of every-town everywhere?"
  "Moving us lot out, of course. Because we know we're not good enough for the new Koberville and Stricklandham, That needs lots of posher shiny new people to live in the shiny new buildings."

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

P.S. "The Developer Community". No I didn't make that bit up.

It's real Koberburble from a meeting earlier today. She is both utterly vacuous and very dangerous.

I have put in a FOI request for details of the purpose, cost, and strategic outcome of Haringey Council being at the Cannes property show.


As well as the breakdown of the Council's expenditure I am keen to learn which individuals or organisations provide £13,000 of sponsorship to help with the cost.

Will let you know the answer.

I'm not clear if that's a question to me or someone else. I assume it's about the first Ward's Corner planning application. But if it is, I'm unclear what you are actually asking. And also what you mean by "all that has come to pass".  Nor what it's got to do with Haringey's tin-Cannes PR disaster on the Good Ship Lollipop in the Bert and Eddie dock.

If you are asking my view I'll do my best to answer.

By the way, are you a prospective candidate in the May Council elections? If so .... HoL house rules (:-)

This gives an idea of what's going on in Cannes - horrific.

I see it has made it's way into the Tottenham Journal as the cllr Richard Wilson is making demands a full investigation into the trip.



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