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'How We Police' report

THE MPS has launched a new report - 'How We Police' - demonstrating to the public how we manage our resources in a responsible way to provide effective policing services for the diverse communities of London.


This report is our response to a range of issues of importance to Londoners as well as officers and staff. It shows how well we performed across the organisation and gives examples of a wide range of work that went on in 2010/11.


The report includes a variety of facts and figures which demonstrate how the organisation is performing in the following areas:



Our services and engagement with the public

-          66% of Londoners said the local police do a good job

-          84% of Londoners believe that the police treat people with respect

-          19,978 officer allegations were registered

-          We were involved in 1,292 partnerships

-          £39 million of assets were identified by the courts for seizure


Our people

-          61% of employees agreed with the statement 'I am satisfied with my current job' compared to 66% for the public sector as a whole

-          1% of officers and staff resigned compared to 1% for the public sector as a whole

-          We recruited our highest ever proportion of police officers from black and minority ethnic groups


Our environmental impact

-          We reduced our carbon emissions by 6.4% since 2005

-          We recovered 77% of the 23,191 tonnes of waste we produced

-          49% of our waste is crime related

-          Safer Neighbourhoods were involved in 101 Capital Clean-up events across 27 boroughs

-          We were awarded Best Public Sector and GOLD award for the Mayor of London's Green Procurement Code

-          All 1.4million eggs bought for catering were free range


Our organisation

-          We saved £581million since 2007/08

-          We are the only police force in the UK to have delivered a reduction in our share of precept in 2009/10

-          20,710 of the 20,947 allegations made against police officers were unsubstantiated


We are committed to improving our reporting and performance and want to hear your ideas on how we can do this. Let us know your thoughts on the content of the report and how we can improve our performance and reporting. We intend to publish a summary and excerpts of the feedback we receive.


See the report: www.met.police.uk/about/howwepolice

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