Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hi everyone.

I am new here.  I wondered if anyone could help me.

I am fed up with houses illegally converted into bedsits without planning permission.

  • Me

    Haringey Council doing nothing about it!  Instead pay for the rent of the tenants and r grant certificate of lawfulness and grant planning permission for more bedsits to be built.

  • One of the bedsits is also a brothel.  My neighbours have had death threats because of reporting anti social behaviour to the police. 
  • The bedsits are disgusting and dirty.  Mice and cockcroaches everywhere.
  • Rubbish everywhere.
  • I live in a semi and now garages attached to the house next door has been granted planning permission to build a 1 bed flat, 2 storey extension.  This property is called an extension, but is a separate dwelling and separate entrance.  Can this be called an extension?
  • Can anyone help me???  I need help quick.  I have 1 week left to take this to Court





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Dear Sir/Madam,


We write with concern to the continuing problems that have been taking place on my road, which are causing great distress not only to myself but also to my fellow homeowners.


A majority of us have lived on Boundary Road for over 30 years and have witnessed, during this period, the conversion of many of the properties into bedsits. A number of these conversions, we believe, have been carried out without planning permission where it would have been required.


As a group of residents we are not happy with what has been taking place on this road and this has been further exacerbated by the local authority’s continued failure to act in our interests; its constituents. Further, it is the local authority’s perceived inaction which may be interpreted as amounting to a form of support to such activities which are deteriorating the living standards of the neighbouring area.


Some of the concerns being experienced are:


  • anti-social behaviour issues in this road whereby men are turning up day and night to certain properties;
  • the revving of car engines throughout the day as well as at night;
  • people smoking drugs as well as cultivating drugs in back gardens;
  • death threats have been made against one homeowner who proposed contacting the police about the concerns he had over the activities in one house on this road
  • bags of used syringes have been found on the road;
  • property sites that are being overdeveloped and then over-occupied with tenants for no other reason than the landlord’s financial gain; and
  • A house being granted planning permission where it is believed that the proper and lawful procedure has not been followed accordingly. In regards to this particular concern, just under 60 households (circa 97%) on this part of the road previously signed a petition objecting to planning being granted. This particular application was subsequently refused by The Planning Inspectorate. Haringey Council have now granted planning permission without notifying the impacted households of its consideration during the planning process. This is despite the fact that all of the grounds for the previous 4 refusals still stand.

We are frustrated at the way we are being treated, or more poignantly not, by our elected representatives and discussion with other homeowners has unearthed a lot of resentment to how they feel their concerns have been ignored. We feel that, despite numerous complaints being made to Haringey Council, we are not being heard. We have experienced what can only be described as a wall of silence from our council and we feel that said approach can no longer continue without consideration of those who have to live with the consequences of their decisions.

We sincerely hope that, on this occasion, a response to this email will be imminently forthcoming which addresses the issues above, as well as their derived impacts upon the neighbouring area, such as traffic congestion. In addition  to investigating the possible legal channels available to us, we are also seeking interest from the local media and newspapers who we are sure would be interested in this matter as it is something of larger public interest.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Yours faithfully,



For, and on behalf of, The Residents of Boundary Road, N22

Can anyone explain why two pages worth of replies have disappeared from this thread? It was up to 4 pages on Friday morning and by the evening they seem to have been removed, very strange?

We haven't removed them. It's possible that a contributor left the site and opted to delete their content as they parted. So, sorry, no conspiracy to be uncovered here.

There are two discussions on the same issue happening at the moment,  so you may have posted here:   illegal conversions - why are they allowed to stand?

I posted in the other one about the hundreds of  illegal HMOs in old industrial units such as Omega Works which are causing great nuisance to the community 

oops, mystery solved, thanks Takaokagiejin - love the user name by the way - I keep thinking there must be a good story behind it

It's a throwback to when I was the only giejin in Takaoka
Excellent, you're not 6 foot tall with ginger hair and freckles as well? That describes my best friend in Osaka! Anyway must have been a great experience,

Hi Takaokagiejin

I am sorry, I did not see your post when I started this post (I am new to the site).  Clearly this is a big issue if more than one member posting the same subject on the same day.


Nothing surprise me.  

I haven't removed them either. Jamie
Well my reply from Friday has definitely disappeared along with 2 pages worth that I read, good luck with your campaign jamie



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