Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I thought I would post this just received from my colleague, Cllr David WInskill as some of our Harringay residents may be interested.


Dear Resident
Please find attached a flyer about an event in Hornsey Library on Monday 4th February at 10.00 a.m. to identify map Hornsey and Crouch End's community assets. The underlying theme of the morning is to try and tackle social isolation - one of the biggest challenges that face older people.
This mapping event will try attempt to produce a list of all the choirs, book-clubs, knitting circles, sports societies, conversation groups, theatre outing clubs, dinner groups and every other sort of social activity that people can get involved in. There's a lot out there but we're just not sure where it all is! To get a better idea of how the project works, please visit http://www.haringey.gov.uk/index/social_care_and_health/help-at-hom... .
I'm sorry that the organisers weren't able to give more notice about the event. Older people are less likely to have access to the internet so, if you have a neighbour, friend or relative that might be interested in this project, please print off the flier and pass it on to them.
There will also be lots of information available abut the support of support available to older people and carers.

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