Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Check out the incredible programme for Hidden River Festival! So many workshops, musical acts and kiddes activities there is something for everyone!
It's right next Saturday 10th September from 12pm - 6:30pm, so don't miss it

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So good to see this still going three years down the line. Will the Hidden River Cantata be perfotmed?

Seems unlikely Hugh, as our wonderful conductor and composer has moved Stateside!


For all those who missed it, here'a a video of your neighbours signing Harringay's very own cantata.

Hi Hugh,

Thanks for the video link - lovely to see music inspired by the New River. I grew up in Pemberton Road close to it, but have only come to appreciate its topography and absolutely fascinating history in recent years. I am now very interested in the long term interactions of rivers and cities (and vice versa) and especially how rivers disappear from view. Along this theme, I have prepared a talk for my local history group "Lost Rivers of Dublin and London" - the New River being my featured London River with reference to its historic route from Finsbury Park to the Sadlers Wells New River Head. 

Where's your talk being given, Patrick?

Hi Hugh,

As you may guess from the title of the talk, I now live in Ireland and the talk will be given in October to our local history group in Newbridge, County Kildare.


thats fantastic, missed that first time round

Hugh I heard the first year was incredible! Everyone really loved it and volunteers were an essential part of the festival :) thanks for the video, it looks pretty cool!
Hope to see you tomorrow!

It's not very clear about where it is actually taking place.

A map would be good!

If you see anything catch Morski (and friends) at the Busking Rig at 17:00. Morski is an extremely talented musician who plays fairly regularly at Jam in a Jar. 

I think it's roughly in the three places shown here. I'm sure Carolina can confirm.

Woodberry Down reservoirs.



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