Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

We are trying to reduce our burglary crimes but are finding that some could easily have been avoided.

The factors involved which could have been avoided are

1. Front doors not properly or double locked.

2. Valuable items e.g. laptops on clear display through the window.

3. Laptop wires left on show with laptop put away in a nearby drawer.

4. Garden tools left outside which were used to force entry.

5. Leave lights on in rooms at the front and back, not just the hallway light. Who lives in the hallway? If you have light timers please use them.


Please use your mortice locks

When you leave home please consider what can be seen on show in your home from the outside, including from your rear garden.

Make sure rear doors and windows are fully secured.

Make sure all garden tools are locked away and the garden shed is secure.


Register all your valuable items on www.immobilise.com it's a free, totally secure system that you can repeatedly update and amend and which we use to identify stolen items and restore them to their rightful owners.

Anything with a serial number can be registered. Take photos of any valuable items without a serial number and upload them as well e.g jewellery, pictures, collectors items etc.


If you hear any banging please take the time to have a look and if you believe it's suspicious, call 999 and give the operator any information you can such as a description or which way they went etc.


Better safe than sorry, we would rather attend and be able to confirm to you that all is OK than find a burglary has been committed which we could have prevented or discovered sooner.


We have arranged a 10% discount with local hardware stores. if you would like to be able to take advantage of this offer please contact us and we will arrange to conduct a free Crime Prevention Survey of your home and give you the voucher.

We can be contacted via harringay.snt@met.police.uk or on 0208 721 2677


Thank you




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