Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Harringay Traffic - your thoughts and ideas requested with link to online survey

Further to the traffic study I posted a day or two ago here is a link to our online version.


With the pressure of work on our IT team a few changes need to be made and will be made after the election but it is fully up an running for those who are happy to do it now.

These charges will be:-
• we won’t require an email address;
• we will add more comment boxes for people who want to expand on their answers; and
• when we ask about turning onto Green Lanes we’re asking specifically about the turning from Frobisher Rd

Here is the original post

"Your Harringay ward libdem team have been talking to hundreds of residents these past few months and one thing that keeps being raised is the disappointment of the Green Lanes Traffic survey that the council conducted last year. The solutions residents are looking for to reduce the traffic across the Harringay Ladder just aren't there and the solutions that are presented just aren't going to solve things. To make things worse, the study, which cost over £100,000, now seems to have been kicked into the long grass by the council.

We don't think this is good enough. Harringay residents have put up with unsustainable levels of traffic for years and we all want a solution that cuts the number of HGVs on our roads and makes our residential roads less desirable to through traffic but without impacting unfairly on other areas.

We want to get the conversation going again with our own traffic survey to see what residents want and invite ideas so we can continue to work with residents to build a workable solution.

Please do take the time to fill it in – together we can find the solutions to solve the traffic issue that blights so many of our residential roads."

We look forward to your responses.

Karen Alexander, Matt Cuthbert & David Schmitz
Liberal Democrat Candidates for Harringay Ward

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It's neck-and-neck.

Some of the questions are ambiguous

Do you think that traffic turning from Green Lanes creates a danger?

Turning from Green Lanes to where?

The Transport Study suggests removing pavement parking and allowing parking at intervals first on one side of the road and then on the other. They say that only 54 spaces will be lost and that these can easily be made up for with spare spaces on the Ladder Roads. Would you like to reduce the parking spaces in this way?


As usual I am concerned by the use of surveys by political parties and Government bodies. They always demonstrate a lack of training in survey construction and the introduction of inherent bias through leading questions and forced scales.

... hold on... that's not a proper survey... it's just one question...

"Do you think that traffic turning from Green Lanes creates a danger?".

... if you want to do a survey it's going to have to be better than that... not just promises to fix it after the election.

There needs to more transparency about the results as well.

... this was what was wrong with the Lib-Dem approach to the complex traffic issues we face last time they were councillors... too piecemeal... every change has a knock on effect that just displaces the problem elsewhere...

There is more than one question, once they have your data.

Roger - there's a button that says " next question "

I'll look at the survey again but meanwhile I was appalled to receive a letter about the local election from the Lib Dem candidates which made a number of allegations.

The Lib Dems have accused the local Labour Party of being run by the far left, organising deselections and of bullying leading to resignations.
* The Labour candidates for the council election aren't Momentum members.
As a member of the Local Labour Party I voted for Zena Brabazon to represent the party because of her record of fighting the HDV and her opposition to the regime of the New Labour council leader, Claire Kober.
Zena's record speaks for itself. I believe that Labour will work for the many and not the few.

The Lib Dems have accused Labour of bullying and antisemitism.
* The Haringey council leader, Claire Kober, accuses members of the local party of bullying with no evidence to substantiate her claim. She's standing down as leader of Haringey council after finally accepting that she does not have the support of the local Labour Party because of her Ill considered and undemocratic HDV policies.
* Much outrage has been fomented by the right wing press and Conservative Jewish supporters with the clear agenda of destabilising the threat of a Labour government. A YouGov survey found that under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership antisemitism has gone down in the Labour Party.

I'm voting for Cllr Gina Adamou, Cllr Zena Brabazon and Sarah James because they represent the interests of all the members of our local community.

The Lib Dems have accused Labour of failing to agree concrete plans on crucial issues like housing.
* The local Labour Party will build at least 1,000 new council homes on its own land by 2022.

The Lib Dems want to take credit for stopping the HDV.
* the HDV is stopped pending judicial because of the tireless work of Labour members and councillors, including Councillor Zena Brabazon, Councillor Gina Adamou and the prospective councillor, Sarah James. They need your support to finish the job and build a Haringey for the many, not the few.

The Lib Dems are promising to freeze "core" council tax and protect local services.
* Without any budgetary evidence to support this claim this would appear to be wishful thinking. I would be very wary of Lib Dem promises after they supported the Tory coalition government in 2010 which subsequently allowed the Tories to hold the EU referendum... the consequences of which will be with us for a very long time.

The Lib Dems say they will "end Labour waste and put a stop to there "proposed" £33 million council HQ".
* This "proposed" £33 million council HQ was part of the HDV which is now on hold pending a judicial review and will be cancelled when the council leader, Claire Kober and her cronies in Haringey council leave shortly after the local election.

I would urge anyone who wants to send a strong message to this disgraceful, racist Conservative government to VOTE LABOUR on 3rd May and ensure that Haringey has a council that works for the many and not just the few.

Cliver Carter (a libdem) has also been very instrumental in opposing the HDV and volunteered to stand against Sheila Peacock in Northumberland Park to bring attention to this issue.

Some of the Labour candidates for the election in Haringey ARE Momentum members. I'm pretty sure that the ones in Harringay are not. That is besides the point though as we never mentioned when candidates were members of Progress or Labour Friends of Israel.

If you are going to be so utterly partisan then you're going to make people suspect what you're saying is not the whole truth.

... John,

I don't believe for one second that Haringey Labour are the only opponents of the HDV as anyone with common sense could see how awful the proposals were for the residents of the borough.

I take your point about the spelling of Harringay, the ward, and I am certain that the Labour candidates in this ward are not Momentum members. Me and my partner are not Momentum members. I may not speak for all the Haringey Labour Party members as their allegiances, like all of us, are their business.

Your right about being partisan, as I really believe that Cllr Gina Amidou, Cllr Zena Brabazon and Sarah James are the best candidates for the Harringay ward.

I'm sorry if people may suspect that my being so partisan means that I am being less than truthful, but I do feel very passionate about the change in direction that Jeremy Corbyn's leadership has meant for the Labour Party.



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