Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

There is no doubt that Harringay is changing. New cafes, Green lanes regeneration, Harringay Market, possibly a new Cross Rail in Turnpike lane in 2030; not to mention HoL that has certainly bought the community together. House price continue to rise above the London average.

What do people think Harringay will be like in 2023. Will it be an extension of Crouch End, will the Turkish influence be as strong, or will we find Pizza Express.

Are there any particular restaurants or shops people would like to see on our high street?

My thoughts are that people will continue to move from flats and house in Crouch End, Muswell Hill etc to houses in Harringay. They will want many the same feel of the area they have moved from. Hence I see the Turkish influence being diluted with other restaurants, shops and a wine bar. I think that could make really atmosphere.

Any other thoughts?

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Sounds good - keep the Turkish and add to it! And later this month we have the promising sounding 'Jam in a  Jar' Music Cafe-Bar-Restaurant opening

And thanks for the kind words about HoL.

Yes..i agree its become an eye sore, and a bit dangerous. really sorry about that..will have it cleared tmrw..Tuesday at the latest.

Thanks for this, Gurdal. That's really responsive!

......and let's make sure the market keeps going and growing. Harringay wouldn't be the same without it now.
Just a quick update..I managed to clear only half the rubbish today..tip yard closed before we could get the rest in. But I've tidied up what's left a little. Will complete uttered morning.
(Uttered?-auto correct)...meant completed.

It was funny to see the lanes take on a Camden like feel on Friday and Saturday night with the stone roses gig. but a had a slightly weird feeling about this: I was standing outside Turkish food store for about 60 seconds aimlessly waiting while my (white) friends to buy something and 2 different white blokes asked me shop questions assuming I worked in the shop. I'm Asian and when it happened the 2nd time I thought  - 'oh I see you are not residents and you see a non-white face around an 'ethnic' food store and assume i'm here to serve you. nice.'

I didn't give it much thought at the time but seeing this post I realised that it's the genuinely multi-cultural feel of the area that drew me here and in the last few years as a few of my non-white neighbours have moved or died they have been replaced by (very lovely) white professionals (from all over the world). I keep my fingers crossed that come 2023 people won't be asking me 'how much is that aubergine' just because i'm not white.


Multi cultural? It's Turkish! What's so multi about that?

I really like the atmosphere now, and I really, really hope Green Lanes doesn't turn into another Crouch End or Muswell Hill. 

It makes my heart sink a bit when some people complain about all the Turkish restaurants here. It is lovely to have more variety with new non-Turkish businesses opening as well but please show respect that you moved to an area with a large Turkish influence in the first place - surely you noticed all the restaurants when you looked at your flat/house in the first place??

As for being edgy/cool.. I just want to live in a nice community. I think we have that now more than other areas I've lived and I'd hate to lose it. 


Sara's, Hugh's, Robyn's & alistrairj's comments seconded -- or should that be "thirded"?



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