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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

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This is interesting, Gerry, although I'm unsure what it adds specifically to the picture we already have. The figures are from 2006 - which is a weakness in an area of rapid "churn" like Haringey. And especially a Zone of Transition such as Tottenham where new groups of arrivals are often more marked.

If you've examined these data and have some further thought I'd be interested to read them.

And by the way, the link to the Cripplegate Foundation data doesn't work.

What's new? There was probably high inequality in the Borough 40 years ago, and after 40 years of one-party rule in the Borough, there remains high inequality. Without reform of one kind or another, it could be the same in another 40 years.

If you're looking for someone to "blame" for this situation in the Borough, consider the (artificial) Borough boundary was created in 1965, when three Boroughs with little in common entered into a forced marriage. It think happened under Harold Wilson, I beleive.

This unhappy arrangement could be dissolved, but of course the inequalities would remain, just not in a single Borough.

The council's own contribution to inequality is via its wages and salaries, where the ratio between the most grossly over-paid and the most poorly paid is close to 20:1.



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