Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Haringey’s police commander is being asked to delay arming officers with handheld Taser guns until an investigation into a Turnpike Lane shooting has concluded.

Cllr Reg Rice, chairman of Haringey Council’s overview and scrutiny committee, has written to borough commander Chief Supt Sandra Looby asking her to suspend plans to train 40 Haringey officers to use Tasers.

Councillors want her to wait until the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPPC) has reported back on the recent shooting of an innocent teenage boy.

The 17-year-old was ‘Tasered’ by Flying Squad officers as they intercepted an armed gang trying to rob a jewellery store in September.

Overview vice-chairman Cllr David Winskill said: “There seems to have been a spate of incidents – not just in Haringey but other parts of the country as well – that are causing serious and real concerns about the discharge of these weapons.

“Until the IPCC has concluded its investigation and reported back with its recommendations, I think it would be unsafe for Haringey borough police to continue with the roll-out.”

Haringey Police have yet to comment.




Adapted from an article on London 24

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..and in the meantime the criminals are armed.. clever!

Hear, Hear! Anette. We need a Breivik to sort them out. Instead they're er pussyfooting around with toy tasers.



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