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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Following an extensive review of neighbourhood policing, MPS proposals were debated at the Metropolitan Police Authority in June.

Haringey police are now able to announce the changes to the supervision of Safer Neighbourhoods Teams in the borough that will come into effect on Monday 28 November 2011.  

The wards that will share supervision are shown below with their supervising sergeant:

Fortis Green and Alexandra wards

Bounds Green and Woodside wards - Sgt Paul Minihane

Hornsey and Stroud Green wards - Sgt Steve Whiting

Highgate and Crouch End wards

St Ann’s and Seven Sisters wards - Sgt Jono Clay-Michael 

 - Sgt Dave Williams - Sgt John McGrath


The following wards will be supervised by the sergeants shown:

Bruce Grove - Sgt Matt Casey
Harringay - Sgt Adam Llewlyn

Muswell Hill - Sgt Julie Flemming
Noel Park - Sgt Rich Davies
Northumberland Park - Sgt Jim McPherson

Tottenham Green - Sgt Lee Hobbs

Tottenham Hale - Sgt Paul Dowling

West Green - Sgt Mike Tisi
White Hart Lane - Sgt George Hawthorne 

The current economic climate makes it all the more imperative that we provide the best value for money from MPS resources.

It has become clear since the original Safer Neighbourhoods model was rolled out in 2006 that some wards are much busier than others, and in some locations, Sergeants themselves have told us that they have the capacity to supervise more than one team.

The revised supervision model will lead to a reduction of approximately 150 Safer Neighbourhoods Sergeant posts across the MPS in 2011/12. Every borough is expected to bear a proportion of the total Safer Neighbourhoods Sergeant reductions on a pro rata basis. This will lead to a reduction of approximately four to six Sergeants per borough. Haringey sees a total reduction of five, with two of those posts already having been vacant since April and September this year.

Every ward will still have a named Sergeant. As reflected by the details shown above, that Sergeant may supervise more than one team. They will continue to lead, supervise and manage the engagement and enforcement activity carried out by the PCs and PCSOs.  

There will now be the flexibility to task teams in Haringey to work jointly across wards on a temporary basis. This will allow teams to address specific community crime and anti-social behaviour concerns and provide reassurance and engagement when and where the community needs them.

Those engaged in crime and anti-social behaviour do not respect ward boundaries and the police must have flexibility to tackle them, at times, with joint action by more than one team.

During periods of temporary deployment the ward will retain a minimum strength of one PC and one PCSO from its dedicated team. This will maintain consistency across Haringey and ensure teams retain local knowledge about their communities and individuals.

Boroughs will have discussions with all ward panels concerned where temporary deployments are planned and the MPS will monitor these in a monthly report to the MPA.

We will work hard to maintain the number of PCs and PCSOs and Safer Neighbourhoods teams will continue to take an intelligence-led approach to reducing crime and anti-social behaviour through problem-solving activity.

The MPS remains firmly committed to the Safer Neighbourhoods network based on teams dedicated and aligned to political ward boundaries that work with partners and the community to deal with priorities that matter to them. Our changes will allow the MPS to focus its skills and resources in the most effective way and ensure we continue to provide an excellent service to Londoners.

Haringey Borough Commander Det Chief Supt Sandra Looby said:

"We are committed to neighbourhood policing and to delivering the high level of police service that Haringey deserves. Every ward in Haringey continues to have its own Safer Neighbourhoods team working with and for local people."

"Our Safer Neighbourhoods teams, which have become familiar sights in local communities, will continue to do the things they have always done by supporting local communities and helping address their crime or safety concerns.

"The changes mean that our teams will be able to deliver greater flexibility to address local priorities, reduce unnecessary costs and ensure our resources are used more efficiently to better meet the demands of the local community.

"As borough commander for Haringey I retain operational control of my Safer Neighbourhoods teams and will ensure they are being used in the right way to work with local people to help keep communities safe. I'm pleased to reaffirm the Met's strong commitment to community policing."


The changes will come into effect on Monday 28 November 2011.

www.met.police.uk/saferneighbourhoods or call the police non emergency number 101, to obtain details of your local Safer Neighbourhoods Team.

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