Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

There was good coverage of the cuts to school funding on Channel 4 news last night - featuring our Fair Funding for All Schools campaign set up by a group of parents in Haringey.

Check us out here:  https://www.channel4.com/news/schools-lose-out-from-new-funding-for...

This is a massive issue for local schools in our area - please do help us spread the word around the community.

For more information, follow us on Twitter at @HaringeyParents and check us out on Facebook at Fair Funding for All Schools.

Thanks for your support.


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I'm afraid I'm rather torn about all this.  I want my local school, that is absolutely marvellous and for which I'm very grateful, to have as much funding as they can get.  But I've a friend who teaches in a semi-rural school outside Newcastle and she has completely convinced me that inner city schools, and London in particular, have been getting a disproportionally big slice of the pie for quite some time.  For me, the issue has to concentrate on getting more funding overall because the current disparity between inner city and rural schools is not "fair funding for all".  Her school (she informs me) gets 70% of the funding per pupil than a similar inner city school 5 miles up the road.  That doesn't seem right.

Agree completely Antoinette.

We chose our campaign name with care because we absolutely support the concept of equal pupil funding across all schools. However, with the overall budget shrinking in real terms and costs escalating, there isn't a school in the country that can afford to have its funding cut right now.

Your friend might have argued that London schools get disproportionately more than hers. But she can't possibly argue that schools in London are over-funded. Most state schools in London are stretched to the limit -  using reserves, already laying off some staff, asking for parental contributions for core funding.

Schools in London and other big urban areas have succeeded on the back of those funding arrangements. Surely the point would be to bring the rest of the country up to those standards. And that doesn't come on the cheap.

Our campaign is for fair funding for ALL schools. That means the government investing in the schools budget for the benefit of all kids, everywhere.

Come along on to our event on 17 January where Catherine West MP, Claire Kober from LB Haringey and Kevin Courtney of the NUT will be able to explain the picture far better than me. Its at 8pm at Rhodes Avenue Primary, N22 7UT - check our Fair Funding for All Schools page on Facebook for details.

Thanks for the support.



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