Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Three of my favourite topics in one foul swipe. This press release manages to completely misrepresent the purpose of a government consultation and severely prejudice Haringey's role as an impartial licensing authority. Canver claims "The Government is consulting over new regulations for the licensing of these clubs" the first pdf in the government document they refer to states "This is not a consultation on the
decision to reclassify lap dancing clubs as sex establishments." Clearly they have not read the document - even if they did they would probably not understand it.

Tags for Forum Posts: consultation, dancing, doodoos, haringey, lap, modern, sematic, usage

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Semantic footnote - in line with modern usage I have abandoned the informational use of the third person singular in both written and spoken Newspeak. If this gets on your tits as much as it does mine then maybe some reaction might become apparent. I have posted another entry today in which I have also abandoned the distinction between "less" and "fewer" and begun to use them interchangeably. I may in the near future refer to things which I want to see clearly (rather than not at all) as "transparent". I may not look at this again this evening as it is getting close to 12 a.m. which is past my bedtime.
Less / fewer
Uninterested / disinterested
Imply / infer
repel / repulse
Absolutely unique
One foul swipe :-)
" How's yourself ? " - " Myself is fine thanks "

aaaagh !!!!
refute / deny
and what the hell does "two times slower" - what exactly is it you multiply by 2 to get to the new slower speed?

Obviously no-one else cares enough about Haringey's wool pulling approach to consultation to comment - do they?
In fairness, some of our councilors have English as a second language. In my experience such people are happy to be gently corrected.
I like to drop latin tags into conversations. Non sequitur is one of my favourites.
I don't follow.
The Home Office document is not great either - " that will allow local authorities in England and Wales to regulation lap dancing clubs "

"Ministerial Forward " - presumably they mean "Foreword " ?

I agree about the wool-pulling - Councillor Canver taking all the credit for initiating Goverment action. I bet the Government shivered in their shoes when her complaint landed in the in-tray. But biased information is what you get when politicised Local Government Civil Servants are responsible for Council websites.
Omotn, less non sequiturs from you would cause me much fewer confusion.
When Government and Nilgun have regulationed all these Sex Encounter Venues, will older forms of SEVvies (such as marital beds) be deregulationed, delicenced or delicensed? Or under the SEV Transition arrangements will they just be phased out going foreword? In our more or less/fewer secular age will the missionary position survive?

Bamboozled, Wightman Road.



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