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Information for residents who may be affected by the Haringey Heartlands Development

application number is HGY/2009/0503


You may be aware of this very large development between Hornsey Park Road and the railway lines bordering Alexandra Park / New River Village, Newland estate and parts of the Campsbourne estate.

I wish to draw your attention to the issues that I am concerned about and have objected to before this comes before the Planning Sub Committee (PSC) either on 12/9/11 (when it was scheduled) or 22/9/11 (a likely alternative date) as I do not feel local residents have fully appreciated the likely adverse impacts this will have on them – mainly due to a lack of effective consultation by the council planning department.

This application has had 2 main phases – firstly in 2009 when a number of people objected.

The application was then amended and resubmitted in 2011 and more people responded to the online consultation.

Unfortunately this was amidst the Coronation Sidings (Giant Rail Shed) application which has generated more publicity and responses. The Heartlands has got lost among this I feel.

There are numerous attached documents and plans in the applications

Consultation responses that may be worth reading to assist in formulating your own response are

Nos. 25, 36, 39 all from 2009 and 43, between 47 and 48 which is unnumbered, 57, 58 and 59.

Unfortunately only  62 responses have so far been submitted despite this development being so large and affecting so many.

Colin Marr (Chair of APPCAAC) was so concerned he called a meeting on 21/8/11 of concerned residents to plan how to oppose this development. Those attending included reps from residents associations and other residents.

His concerns prior to the meeting were:- Impact on jobs; Housing density and mix; Open space/ play space; Impact on infrastructure and the local community: transport, schools, health; Impact on views; The gasholder and the Moselle stream

There will be a loss of  jobs with the Olympia unit going and no gain in jobs – no definite jobs on site – just housing

The housing mix is poor with mainly flats including studios, 1 and 2 bed and very few 3 bed or houses. This will not make for long stay residents / sustainability or people invested in the community

The promised Social Housing which most understand to be council tenancies will in fact be mainly part buy/part rent.

There will be inadequate parking spaces for number of units/bedrooms alongside  insufficient public transport – there are no planned extra buses etc to serve the development this will add up to 1000 extra people daily using existing services (bus/tube/train)

As for provision for use of cycles – there is no evident secure parking on site.

Plans for Open and Play space are not evident

Most large scale plans demonstrate that the local police have been consulted for views on likely impact on crime as a result and impact on local policing policies. That has not happened here where there is no input from the police despite 1000 plus new residents for an area already affected by local riots and looting.

There will be other impacts on local residents - this is not a standalone development – it will impact upon what surrounds it (pre existing homes etc). for example

- Behind Hornsey Park Road 16-17 metre high blocks (50 foot high) at bottom of gardens

- From Campsbourne estate and Newland Field / Ally Pally Park views will be completely blocked by up to 32 metre high blocks on the western edge i.e. facing east (100 foot high blocks)

- loss of Hornsey no.1 Geodesic designed Gasholder

- loss of wildlife habitat

I urge members to submit views online and write to their local councillors if they have any concerns over this development.

Attached is a plan showing location and height of the blcoks of flats and photomontages showing before and after views


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