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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hello All,

Today I let two guys in to our flat who claimed to be doing checks on drains and water supply in the area. I let them into the flat and out into the garden where they 'checked the drains'. They were in and out in minutes. This all happened as I had a small babe calling my attention and foolishly I didn't look at their id properly or pay much attention to what it was all about. After they'd gone I started to wonder if there was something suspicious about them. Has anyone else had these two men at their door or can anyone tell me if such checks are happening at the moment?

Thanks all!


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There was a guy on Seymour Road last night checking the water meters. I presume he was checking if individual houses had leaks in their systems.

Thanks hob. I think he sounds as though he has a proper reason to come in, although, we live on Allison Road so it could have been related...

Hi Alice, I don't know about any checks, but would think that Thames Water could tell you if you ring them. If you still think it is suspicious, do call your local police station, they'll probably come and take a statement from you (would help if you could describe the guys), they'll also advise what to do next time someone calls at your door (probably take the ID details and let the visitor out while you call the supplier/company to verify it's a genuine call).

Also have a look at your doors, windows, garden wall or anything that potential thiefs would check if they were interested in accessing your property. If they were thiefs and there is a weak point in your home security, they will have spotted it, so fix it. I think being 'foolish' happens to most of us – at least once! ;).

Thanks Isabelle. I'm normally quite suspicious but was off my guard for a moment and think I may have let some potential burglars in. I did phone Thames Water but they couldn't be certain whether or not anyone should have called on us (not very helpful!). I'm going to ask a few neighbours today and if no one else has had these visitors I will let the police know. Thanks for the advice. It is a real motivation to finally get my security sorted! I was kicking myself for being so stupid so your kind words are much appreciated!

The guy on Seymour Road lifted every water meter cover. If there was water flowing into the house he appeared to mark the cover with blue paint. He then came back later and if water was still flowing he painted a blue arrow to indicate there may be a problem. You could check your footpath to see if there is any fresh paint on the meter covers.

I have seen a previous thread on here where drains were being checked as some flowed into "The New River." 

Thanks Hob, very interesting. Will do.

I think it's a mistake to let anyone you don't know into your house unless they've an appointment/ID. If they say they're from Thames water then call Thames water to confirm. Don't 'feel bad' making them wait.

James' advice is endorsed by Thames Water.

As a councillor I'm sometimes contacted about "distraction burglaries", where one caller has, for example, 'checked' a boiler, while an accomplice steals something. But obviously some callers are completely genuine. As Hob says, there was a thread here some time ago about Thames Water inspecting homes on the Ladder for possible misconnections.

Anyway, I phoned Thames Water who said they often get calls by people wanting to check this. Their advice is always ask for ID and take the ID number. Then if you're in any doubt, before you let anyone in, ring Thames Water's 24 hour customer call centre. 0845 9200 800 - then press option #1 then #4 and wait for a person. Give them the ID number and they'll advise if it's legit or not.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

Thanks Alan, I will definitely get an ID number next time - this has been an education for me! My neighbour told me today that we had had a letter about drains from Thames Water so I'm choosing to believe they were genuine. They seemed nice people by the way, so let's hope they weren't up to anything dodgy. Thanks all, for your responses.

Alice - You will never see a con man with 'shifty eyes'.

Alice, here's a Thames Water page about misconnections which may be helpful. It sounds like what they were doing in your home.

I don't know where misconnected sewage from the Ladder ends "downstream". But I assume you and your socially responsible neighbours want to make sure at least your own waste is going in the right pipes. Jared Diamond used the analogy of the Netherlands and the very many ways "we are all in the same polder".



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