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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

The Wightman Road Residents' Groups was excluded. A curious decision given the current controversies.

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Sheesh Hugh, thats a bit unkindly worded. I clearly wasn't revealing a private conversation and if one name I mentioned was secret just that could have been redacted. As it was I had not been told it was confidential so I didn't know.

Forget that though, I'm mostly just disappointed with the way this is turning out, just like with previous traffic changes, when  the whole idea is that this time it would be different. I'm also disappointed that instead of being more open that its trying to be spun into us being naughty for daring ask about what is going on.

The steering group members have really just two main roles - helping disseminate information about whats going on in the study, and providing advice back to those doing doing the study.

That the first steering group meeting is happening on Wednesday and who's going along to it is something that should have been disseminate to us. That one of the discussion at the meeting is going to be the makeup of the group is something that should have been disseminated to us. If those going along are going to be providing advice on this they should be now, beforehand, asking the people in their group what their views are.

In my experience it's more troublesome to redact than delete. So I tend to just go with the latter.

With regards to the role of the group you're spot on. It's not a decision making group. As far as the way the news has come out is concerned, having spoken with Stuart, I think you'll find it has more to do with the change of guard than anything else (see my last post yesterday).

As to the "unkind wording", had your previous comment been rather more fulsome and rounded we might have avoided the needing for any additional wording whatsoever.

That reads a lot like continuing making us the naughty ones for asking instead of addressing the real issues about lack of openness and the obligations of steering group members to disseminate the information they get and request input from the people they represent.

Why does this need to be so hush hush?

I agree about the Friends groups....I would have thought it was outside of their remit too....I'm pretty cynical about how much influence any "stakeholder" groups have in any case

You're being naive but at least you're admitting it.

From what I know of the LCSP it will be a pro-traffic vehicle as the committee members I speak to are oft to tell me when they have a chance that the traffic isn't that much of a problem.

Well the RA in question think that having only one councillor from Seven Sisters and one from St Ann's exposes them to the two councillors from Harringay (the ladder). So local road closures that will be looked at are The Gardens (St Ann's ward), Hermitage Rd (Seven Sister's ward) and Wightman Rd (Harringay ward).

Really what I think is going to happen is that the bottom of the ladder will be closed off and the top will have to continue to act as a Turnpike Lane bypass. I may be being too cynical but we'll see.

If you compare the stakeholder groups in the council's publications dated December 2015 and March 2016, there is a big drop in the number of groups in the list Geoff linked to. Down from 25, to 22 to 7.

Apparently North Harringey Infant School [sic] was one of the original stakeholders, as was Pemberton Road Children's Centre [sic] even though it was designated for closure.

Sorry, it's 10 groups not 7.

Are there still issues with HoL following on from last week? Why are all the recent responses specific to this thread appearing in the 'latest activity' section and then minutes later they are no longer there?

Does anyone know why schools such Chestnuts do not appear as a stakeholder but other do?

I don't really understand why HOL is there. Who's position is Hugh going to represent? Everyone's? The poor bloke's head will explode.
Unless , HOL restricts itself to reporting discussions only.

I'm a bit confused - is this to do with the Green Lanes Area Transport study?



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