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As promised, here you go.  This draft was agreed at the GLSG meeting last Tuesday 8 April.  Sorry about some of the formatting!:


Terms of Reference for the Green Lanes Strategy Group



The Association’s aim is to work to make the Green Lanes area thrive economically, flourish socially, and be regenerated for current and future residents and businesses.  The Association aims to foster an area where people are proud to live and work without fear of crime. In this it will be guided by principles of the Green Lanes Charter or superseding local plan.

Defined Area:


The Green Lanes Area shall be defined as that area bounded to the south by Endymion Road and Arena Trading Estate, to the west by Wightman Road, to the north by Turnpike Lane and West Green Road, and to the east by Black Boy Lane and Warwick Gardens.






The key constituted umbrella organisations within the above defined area, (ie. Woodlands Park Resident Association (WPRA), Ladder Community Safety Partnership (LCSP), Gardens Residents Association (GRA) and Harringay Green Lanes Traders Association (HGLTA) as at April 2014) each with up to 2 representatives plus 1 deputy appointed by meetings of those organisations; and the elected ward Councillors of Harringay and St. Ann’s.


In addition:


  • One representative appointed by meetings of established/constituted local groups as agreed by the members. Groups may be invited to join or may apply to join the GLSG. 
  • Key local individuals co-opted or invited by the GLSG to contribute in their areas of interest or expertise.

Metropolitan Police and Council officers will also attend as appropriate.




1.   Chair, Vice Chair/Treasurer, Secretary and such other officers as the GLSG shall decide, elected from and by the members. Officers will be appointed for no longer than two years.


  1. The Chair and Vice Chair will:


  1. Ensure the efficient conduct of meetings;
  2. Ensure all members are treated equitably and have a proper opportunity to express their views when debating decisions of the Group;
  3. Ensure the GLSG receives appropriate professional advice from LBH officers or external advisers or others when necessary;
  4. Represent the GLSG where necessary.



Chair’s Action:


  1. The Chair may be approached to take decisions on urgent matters that require advancement before the next scheduled meeting. In such circumstances, the Chair is delegated to take such decisions, after involving as many other Members as possible. The Chair shall report any Chair’s Actions to the next meeting.
  2. It is intended that Chair’s Actions will be kept to the absolute minimum possible.
  3. In the absence or unavailability of the Chair, a Vice-Chair will act for him or her.




  1. The GLSG may establish such working groups, panels, forums or advisory groups as it considers necessary. All bodies established shall have clear terms of reference.
  2. The GLSG may terminate any Sub-Group at any time.
  3. Sub-Groups may co-opt individuals who have particular expertise or experience to contribute.



Remit of Green Lanes Strategy Group:


The following list is to act as a guide to the remit of the GLSG.  It is not intended to be exhaustive.

  1. Terms of Reference, Constitution and Membership.
  2. Initiatives and Funding bids.
  3. Income and Budget.
  4. Bridge and Gateways.
  5. Street Scene and Enforcement.
  6. HMOs.
  7. Crime and Policing (including Safer Neighbourhoods Teams).
  8. Parking and Highways.
  9. Planning and Licencing.
  10. Green Spaces.
  11. Green Lanes Festival.
  12. Christmas Events.
  13. Bug Hotel.
  14. Other projects as agreed by members.





  1. The GLSG shall meet on a regular cycle, with a minimum of 4 meetings per year.
  2. Meetings will normally last no longer than two hours.
  3. Notices of meetings will be circulated to members at least 7 days in advance of the meeting.
  4. Special meetings may be called for urgent business by the Chair or Vice Chair, provided at least three clear days notice is given to members.
  5. Items for inclusion on the agenda shall be submitted to the Secretary at least seven days prior to the meeting. Inclusion of any item shall be at the discretion of the Chair.
  6. All meetings of the GLSG shall be minuted.  Minutes will be made publicly available following approval by the Chair.
  7. Minutes of meetings shall be circulated with the agenda for the next meeting.
  8. Meetings shall be chaired by the Chair or in his/her absence the Vice Chair.
  9. The Chair will move that the minutes of the previous meeting be agreed as a correct record.
  10. The GLSG may accept deputations of people with a local connection who wish to raise an issue in person with the GLSG. Those wishing to form a deputation shall contact the Chair to seek agreement. Deputations shall only be allowed at the discretion of the Chair.




  1. Consensus

Unless these Terms of Reference provide otherwise, any matter will be decided by consensus between the members.

  1. Chair's decision

If no consensus can be reached, the Chair may request a vote on the matter under consideration.  Unless otherwise provided for in these Terms of Reference, the matter shall then be decided by a simple majority of the members present and voting by show of hands.  The Chair shall have a casting vote.

I have attached a copy of the Neighbourhood Vision/Green Lanes Charter referred to above.


These Terms of Reference are open for comment until 15 June 2014.

They have been discussed at the LCSP meeting tonight, and will be on the agenda for the next GRA (June, not the AGM) and WPRA (14 May) meetings.

Feedback please to whichever you choose below if you can't make a meeting:

WPRA: woodlandsparkra@gmail.com

LCSP: lcsp@blueyonder.co.uk

GRA: gardensresidents@yahoogroups.co.uk

HGLTA: rob@harringay4shops.com

Adam Coffman for Friends of Harringay Passage, Friends of Fairland Park and Friends of Ducketts Common.



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Let's look at umbrella organisations.

That's the term used in this TOR draft for the special named groups in the "members" section which get 2 representatives / votes plus 1 deputy, compared to the  unnamed "additional" groups which get just one representitive. The term "umbrella organisation" isn't defined anywhere, i wonder if it should be, in something like a definition section in the doc, to avoid any misunderstandings?

Here's an example:

FoHP has been quite successful. There are lots of people involved, various initiatives going on, and some great gardening work. So let's make FoHP the umbrella organization for skinny bits of the neighbourhood with some gardening potential.

That means the passage of course, the new river path behind Whightman Rd, the Gardens Community Garden, and there's that bit of land that applied for some pocket park funding over in the Woodlands Park area too (i forget its name).

Does FoHP need to notify anyone when it takes spaces into its umbrella'ship? I'm guessing no as I don't recall the LCSP telling any of the groups i'm involved with - did you have to notify anyone Geoff when WPRA became an umbrella organization?

I'm also guessing FoHP will now be listed in the members section of the TOR and get two members/votes as it's now an umbrella organization? Great!

Thinking about it, the GRA, having lost its award winning green space to FoHP and not actually having any other RAs within its area to umbrella over, doesn't really warrant being an umbrella organization anymore. So the GRA is moved to the unnamed additional groups section and FoHP joins the first member section in the TOR, which becomes:
The key constituted umbrella organisations within the above defined area, (ie. Woodlands Park Resident Association (WPRA), Ladder Community Safety Partnership (LCSP), Friends of Harringay Passage (FoHP) and Harringay Green Lanes Traders Association (HGLTA) ...
I wonder if Andy or the GRA will be sad about this? Should there be some sort of appeals process or mechanism defined in the TOR for how to deal with hostile takeovers and separations?

Nilgun / Geoff could you say what you had in mind about umbrella organizations when you coined the term in the TOR and draft us some text that defines them and describes what happens in the situations just described for FoHP?

I note with dismay that this post is being dealt with by "la la la, I can't hear you". Well Andy, Nilgin and Ian, all of whom I have a great deal of respect for - everyone else has seen it. I imagine you're not pleased but that doesn't excuse you from responding. You just look bad ignoring it.

I fully understand that without individual hard work from people like you committees like this FAIL. I also hope you realise that the lack of complaints before are high praise for your work. However when you shove our impotence in our faces they way you have with the GLSG's secret plans to rename Harringay, expect some fireworks.

Oh, ye of little patience.

I'm guessing one of the points of the umbrella concept is to try to give the people and groups who are dedicated to the GLSG a bit more control than any old person who may pop in for the odd meeting and cause trouble. I've been involved in some OASIS standardization work and the way they do that is by having things like voting and non-voting members where you can only be a voting member if you've attended the last few meetings- https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/roles

Would something like that work here? That would ensure the dedicated groups and people who've been doing the GLSG for so long would continue to have two votes whereas little groups like FoFP would probably have sporadic attendance at best so likely wouldn't get two votes.

Could I please echo Alan's comment - contrary to popular belief I occasionally have a few hours without getting on HOL...

Umbrellas:  Reminds me of a Vivian Stanshall thing from a long time ago - 'Men Opening Umbrellas Ahead'.  That shows my age...

Anyhow, I think I may have said this elsewhere in the thread, but my own thought was that between them the RAs covered almost the whole area, and were open to anyone who lived in their respective areas.  In looking at other groups, I'd be looking at how large their 'patch' was, are they open to all, are they a special interest group etc.  So, to use an example I may have used elsewhere, if a fully functional constituted alternative RA opened up in the WPRA area with open membership, they could well be argued to be 'umbrella' and indeed if they were more active than WPRA the roles could switch. 

The OASIS stuff is interesting.

What does that mean, Phil?

Time for a selfie John!



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