Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I live very near Harringay Green lanes station and have been battling London Overground about the burglar alarm there (though why anyone would want to steal a whole station defeats me). It has been going off in the middle of the night on and off for quite some time now, (starting last year). For example, it went of at 3.20am this morning and lasts fifteen minutes. Previous evenings were 1.55am and 4.20am. There have been many other nights but I'm guessing you don't want to know ALL the times.

I have been speaking to station staff and to the deputy to the head of communications, Alan Hobson, about this for over a month.

I THINK they may have tried to correct the problem as it fell silent for a couple of weeks but, obviously, they haven't. I have spoken to neighbours who are aware of the alarm but always thought it was a car alarm or some such. It's definitely the station as one night it went off THREE times in quick succession and I went out and looked. The alarm is attached to the outside of the port-a-cabin office there. I am now logging the alarm and am sad enough to have taken video on my phone, possibly the most BORING videos EVER.

Anyway, I also have a young son who wakes up regularly in the night so between him and the station I'm not sleeping much and, frankly, beginning to go slightly mad. I am containing the impulse to buy a baseball bat and beat the **** out of it but I am seriously on the edge.

I may have to go legal if they don't rectify this. Anyone out there have any idea how I might proceed or who is aware of the alarm themselves? Suggestions and sleeping drafts to this post.

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Have you tried the Barking and Gospel Oak Line User Group? They may have some advice/tactics for you. A couple of members have been posting on the site about vibrations caused by trains. 

Will do so immediately. Thanks Hugh.

Not sure that we can be of much help if you are already in touch with the relevant LOROL manager. They have installed quite a lot of IT kit in the staff cabins over the last year or two and obviously want to protect it and satisfy their insurance company. All I can suggest is an email to LOROL MD Steve Murphy, contacting LB Haringey Environmental Health or London Assembly Member Joanne McCartney, who is on the Transport Committee which is able to question Transport for London, for whom LOROL is contractor.


Glenn Wallis

Assistant Secretary

Barking - Gospel Oak Line User Group



The Haringey noise team would certainly be on my list. Find them via our One Button Council page (Eyes Right!)

Thanks guys. I shall fight to the death. Or at least until I fall asleep. 

We also live very near the station and have heard that awful noise for some time. We too thought it was a house or car alarm but have just been stuffing our duvets over our heads, etc to cope. Interesting that is the portacabin... I'm wondering if it could be a fox or something setting it off. 

Thanks for your efforts so far and good luck if you are following up those suggestions.

I have also taken this up with LOROL both by email and I have spoken to them regarding the issue.  I am told that they are continuing to investigate the issue with the alarm and will be preparing a report as soon as this is complete and will let both residents (with whom they are corresponding also) and myself know what progress has been made and how they are addressing the problem.  Please keep me updated with whether or not there is any improvement and I will continue to chase on this.

Well thank you for your interest and time. I hope you, as a councilor, have more luck than me but frankly that sounds like balderdash and delay from them. While they prepare their fascinating report the alarm continues to go off. Twice this morning at 2.15 and 3.15am. A report is not really what I want, I want a little man with a screwdriver to come along and fix the bl**dy thing.

I am sincerely thankful for your getting involved. The Harringay Independent is after me for a story now. This could be bigger than Watergate. I shall start meeting people in car parks and nickname myself Deep Asleep.

As you can probably tell, I'm quite tired.

Also, they never get back to ME and tell me what's going on. Even when they say they'll call me back 'in five minutes', they don't. 

Excuse me for a second while I lie down and have a small heart attack,

I e-mailed London Overground about ten minutes ago telling them I have been contacted by the local press and that I have another neighbour (Sheila) aware of the problem and LO AND BEHOLD they e-mailed back a few minutes ago saying they were very sorry for the inconvenience etc. and management teams are being chased and so forth.

A small step forward for me or, as I suspect, the full wrath of Karen Alexander has descended upon them?

We'll see. I'm not expecting a dreamless sleep any day soon.

Hello Sheila,

Thought you might like to know that London Overground have been in touch and are all terribly apologetic and 'getting to the bottom of the matter'. Probably thanks to Karen Alexander's intervention and the threat of the press (My word didn't they get back to me fast when I mentioned that).I may be foolish but we may yet have uninterrupted nights. No more heads under the pillow. We'll see. 

Sounds like another one might be chalked up to the power of HoL.



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