Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I have a spare stalls ticket for Sadlers Wells in Angel (341 bus) for Coup Fatal on Thursday 4 June 7.30pm for half-cost £14. 

Joyful and brimming with uplifting spirt, Coup Fatal is inspired by the ‘sapeurs’, followers of SAPE (Société des Ambianceurs et Personnes Elégantes), a band of stylish, extravagant and immaculately dressed dandies from Kinshasa. These Congolese sapeurs adopt peacock flamboyance as a form of resistance — standing in stark contrast with the war stricken environment they live in — and Coup Fatal celebrates their unrelenting elegance of this tradition.

Engaging with the repertoire of selected baroque composers, countertenor Serge Kakudji and an orchestra of 12 musicians integrate baroque phrases with traditional and popular Congolese music, rock and jazz, adding a splash of Congolese vitality to create an entertaining and exuberant evening. 

Director Alain Platel teams up with composer Fabrizio Cassol and musician Rodriguez Vangama, and dancer Romain Guion to bring together boisterous theatricality with diverse musical influences, from Nina Simone to Handel. The set is designed in collaboration with the artist Freddy Tsimba, who rose to fame creating disturbing sculptures using cartridge cases which he collects in Congolese war zones. Coup Fatal is produced by les ballets C de la B (Ghent) and KVS(Brussels). 


It would be a shame to waste this ticket. Call 07785 397137

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Tonight, it is still not too late for 90 mins of great music to make you smile and jigga along to in your chair!!



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