Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I'm an N15 lurker on HOL, but I'm hoping that someone knows who the fat ginger tom with a white bib belongs to. He's been hiding out in our garden. Although initially he looked well, he's starting to look a little more bedraggled and I'm starting to think he may be lost. He's on spring prowl and there's lots of yowling, but he's starting to look a bit thinner and sadder. Does he belong to anyone in the Clyde Circus, Jansons Road area? I haven't seen him around the area before March so he may just be new in the area. I'll try and get a photo of him to post on the site. He's light ginger with light greenish, yellowish eyes and short haired, but fluffy.

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\im not sure this is the same cat, but  a thinnish ginger puss has been hanging round my house nearly every night for last 4-5w, trying to get in,put a collare on him and got the owners to call me, infact they live a few doors down on mattison road-seems the owners have just moved back and havent a cat flap so he decided he wanted to move in with me during the cold nights much to my cats disgust-sounds like a long way from your place although I know cats can be extremely mobile. BUt this little thing has always been tiny-trying putting a collar on him with your details to see if anyone owns him

Hi Thanks



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