Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

After finishing building a patio I have a large quantity of soil to get rid of, and thought I'd offer it up for free before paying someone to take it away.

I'd not claim it's high quality topsoil as it has the occasional stone and bit of pottery in there but it'd be great for building raised beds or just topping up your garden.

It's certainly been well turned over having been dug out and moved into the front garden.

Drop me a message if you're interested - I'm on Roslyn Road, N15

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Hi, and yes please! Our WI has begun a gardening project locally and a quantity of soil would be extremely useful. Have sent you a connection request - please accept so I can PM you!

If there's any left I can use some, will PM you.

Don't seem to be able to PM you atm! But answer is yes - does Sat work for you? Thx!

You guys don't seem to be connected. You need to add each other as connections before you can PM.

that's fine - let me know then to expect you as you'll need a permit.

We were connected and have been PM'ing! Why would our connection disappear, do you know, Hugh?

All the soil's now gone - thanks to everyone who's got in touch about it or taken some away



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