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Anyone lost a black and white male cat?

This beauty has appeared in my garden again (also last year he kept on visiting) but now it has become more insistent, begging for food, waiting for me, being submissive to my other cats (I ended up keeping the white cat I found in the garden so now I have 2, if I keep a third my flatmate will kill me) and wants to come in. Very friendly, looks for cuddles and goes belly up with me.

Anyone recognises him or wants to adopt him?

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Not neutered and submissive to your own cats - lucky you!


I think he has adopted me. But alas I have 2, one is 10 yo and the one I kept who also appeared in the garden is one. They fight him and he doesn't fight back, which is not good. I believe they can feel if someone is goodhearted and I would love to keep him but I cannot. It was raining and he hid under the bamboo bushes looking in whilst my cats were in.. I feel terrible poor thing.

Well done Alessia for helping this lovely cat. Any vet will scan him for free to see if he's microchipped.

I've mentioned to Stokey Cats & Dogs as they publicise lost and found pets and there are useful tips on their website
You can list a lost or found pet on Animal Search and it's free to do that. (If anyone claims the cat, make sure they have proof of ownership first).

I'm sure you know all this anyway, but if a cat has been found that isn't neutered, it's vital to keep the cat inside until he has been neutered, otherwise it leads to more homeless cats being born and also fighting. He needs neutering fast. Free Cat Neutering
If foster care or help needed for a cat, contact Stokey Cats and Dogs

(For any cat owners out there, Animal Rescue charities advise that it is vital that pets are microchipped and neutered. Cats enjoy catflap access to a back garden, but it's best to lock the catflap at night so that cats are safe inside at night as it reduces the risk of them getting lost or injured.)

Thank you, also tweeted them and added to the registry. I think it may belong to someone around here but of course he now knows he can get food and cuddles so he resists leaving. hopefully his owners will claim him

Well done. To be honest, the best thing you can do first to help the cat in the short term is to get the cat neutered - for his sake and for the sake of other cats in the neighbourhood. Every single day an unneutered cat is roaming, leads to more homeless kittens being born and more injuries.

I agree, but I am not entirely sure he doesn't belong to someone. He was hanging around last year too, then for winter he disappeared and appeared when the white one I posted few months ago (now Sushi after convincing the flatmate) appeared. He is always here as he knows I feed and cuddle him but I feel so guilty as he tries to come in and I get him out... I tried knocking at few doors, no one seem to know. I posted also on the pet registry and will print posters to hang around.

Should I call a shelter to take him? I feel guilty and terrible as I fear he won't get adopted so easily but I cannot bear the thought of him outside in winter, seeking refuge in the bamboo bush... :( If only I could keep him. 

First, take the cat to a vet be scanned for free to see if he's microchipped. If chipped, owner can easily be contacted.

If not chipped, you can get a cat neutered for free if the cat appears to be a stray cat that you've been feeding for 2 weeks.
In the meantime, you can still keep on looking for any owner, or put a temporary collar on the cat with note attached with your details, and see if an owner calls you.

If you need help, the best person to contact is Ella at Stokey Cats & Dogs. Email stokeycatsndogs@gmail.com (Stokey also have volunteers who provide temporary foster homes for cats until owner found. If no owner found, then Stokey will look for a permanent home for the cat).

Things are always more urgent if a cat is not neutered. So at least if neutering is done, it prevents more homeless animals and injuries in the meantime.

This cat won't have a good outcome if not neutered. Any responsible owner gets their cat neutered and microchipped, otherwise they are responsible for the injuries and homeless animals caused by not neutering.

If it turns out that an owner is found, no doubt they will be pleased that the cat has been neutered, as that will have also saved his life. You know all this, but sometimes other people just aren't aware and totally get it once it's explained to them. (Also cats need a catflap so they can get access to their home, food and water and it's best to lock the cat flap at night so that cats are safe inside at night).

You are right. I will take him to the vet as soon as off again on Tuesday and see if we can find the owner. I douby he is microchipped unfortunately though. 

Thanks for the advice and Ella's contact!

Update: the owner of the cat called me. He lives nearby. Thank god! But he is not fixed and I am trying to persuade him to do it



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