The Mail on Sunday ran a story yesterday on Council Chief Expenses. Thankfully, Haringey doesn't feature in the story, but I wonder what they found out about our guy?
Er, I think you mean about our gal, don't you Hugh?
As you I'm sure you're aware we live in an increasingly female dominated society and our local matriarchs are Ita O'Donovan (CEO) and Clare Kober, current Leader, formerly Chief Whip.
I'm not objecting on principle to it; there's good and bad in every gynecocracy ...
(NB if LBH doesn't feature in a story listing councils engaging in general misbehaviour, it does not necessarily mean that no evidence exists of LBH shenanigans. It may reflect the tireless work of the News-Suppression Officers. Remember the initial publication of the list of councils with exposure to the Icebanks and Haringey's name was nowhere to be seen?
Of course, it later transpired that one of the biggest local authority exposures in the country – £37m of Haringey cash – was frozen there also. This is doubtless unrelated to your other recent post! The previous council leader said front line services would not be affected by the frozen monies; perhaps the missing £37m hasn't affected council tax either.)
I see, you're using 'guy' as a barrister would use in court, i.e. the legal sense of 'he' meaning either 'he' or 'she'. I just hope our guys are not spending up on shoes, hairdos and flowers.