Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

On 23rd April 1977 the 'Battle of Wood Green' took place where the local community tackled the National Front who have yet to return 40 years on.

To commemorate the event and celebrate our diversity there is an event taking place at Ducketts Common on 23rd April 2017 at 12pm

Reading other posts on HoL, it seems many people on this site were there. 

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OMG - As tempting as it is to respond to the negativity I'll save my energy for fighting the fascists and celebrating their defeats. I think the phrase 'Lest We Forget' is appropriate here and I'll leave it there for 'fear' of a response!

Suggest everyone reads this interview with Arron Banks in The Observer. They are using voters like Knavel to their own ends. The rest of us are getting caught in the crossfire.

I take exception to anyone aping the smearing of Jeremy Corbyn by the BBC, the media at large and the Tory press. The fact that the plp of the labour party chose to insult it's members by turning their backs on the democratic decision of its members says more about them than Jeremy Corbyn. The Labour Party had matched the Tories in the opinion polls before the coup took place. Corbyns policies are widely supported in Britain but the party is divided. All those who want an end to austerity, privatisation of our schools and hospitals and see a mass program of council house building should throw their support behind him. He really is our only hope.



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