Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!


Higher energy prices effect us all, but when they meet rises in grain prices they mean higher food prices. This effects the most vulnerable in our community.

The Gospel Centre Food Bank continues to try to meet the demand for our service. Numbers of family members claimed for have increased, though we do ask who these people are. Logistically, it is a challenge for us to renew our supply each week, which we are reviewing what we can collect and what is needed.

If you are able to donate we would be grateful for long life milk, tins of fish and meat, cereals, standard packets of rice and jars of pasta or cooking sauce.

Meanwhile, we are developing our links with the likes of Public Voice and  Local Area Coordinators so that we are in a place to connect our clients to local services.

If you have particular queries you may find the answer on the Food Bank page of the Gospel Centres website. Otherwise you could email gospelcfoodbank@gmail.com or to phone us on 073 0589 2314

Many thanks

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