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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Having lived in Haringey for practically all my life, I was surprised to get a penalty notice for driving into Elmfield Avenue at 3:15 on a Tuesday. The contravention was "failing to comply with a restriction on vehicles entering a pedestrian zone"

Firstly checking on Google maps I couldn't see any signage to warn drivers not to enter at certain times? I then went onto the Haringey /Parking webpage where you can view the offence. I could see clearly the signage saying no entry between 2:30 and 3:45.

I have driven into Elmfield Avenue  to get to Middle Lane for years, so was not aware or on the look out for restrictions, hence the penalty notice.

What I would like to know, when were these notices put up and the restriction enforced? AND what happens to the W3 bus route in these times?

I don't think I have a case to appeal as the signs are clear, but has anyone else received penalty notices for this and appealed successfully?

Very disgruntled Haringey Resident


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Hi Paul, sadly not, mine was turning right into Elmfield Av from Middle Lane. You're absolutely right about Haringey. Perhaps if they had to pay the PCN amount to the Tribunals on successful appeals, they might suddenly find themselves implementing these schemes with a bit more thought and fairness.

Mark, if you wish to discuss, DM me and we'll exchange numbers.

Thanks Brian, I may do that although at the moment I'm quite busy over the next few days and so the likelihood is I will just pay the fine and move on. I have already submitted feedback to Haringey on the scheme via the same link you posted up a while ago. Happy for you to add that to your appeal if you would like.

Taking out the cancelled 285 PCNs, 6058 issued over 58 school days

= 110 cars per day

= 40 cars per hour (for the 2.75 hours the scheme is in operation)

= 1 'illegal' vehicle every 90 seconds.

If this is the figure that applies across the whole scheme (i.e. across all 3 cameras operating at the road entrances to the area), then I guess even that rate of traffic could be considered a threat and not conducive to an acceptable quality of life for primary age children walking to school. I wonder whether any traffic analysis was carried out before the scheme came into operation in order to compare and report on the improvement.

When it's broken down like that, the figure sounds even worse! I'm sure that will represent some sort of reduction from before the scheme came about, but the fact a driver is getting caught out every 90 seconds must demonstrate the signage is inadequate, it's not THAT busy a road! I did see on one of Haringey's documents online (minutes of a meeting where the scheme was agreed) which said that traffic surveys were carried out prior and will be repeated during the experiment. It will be interesting to see the results.

The traffic figures comparison & analysis will almost certainly be massaged to make it look like the situation was dreadful before and hugely improved after. They did this with the 'Liveable Crouch End' trial nearly 2 years ago (which was a little like a Low Traffic Neighbourhood scheme with most of Middle Lane closed to all traffic except buses and emergency vehicles).

All these different schemes with various names and different signage depending which borough you are in are becoming difficult to keep up with (especially with Haringey as they don't seem to publicise them properly, I wonder why?!). If figures are massaged then that is scandalous really, as that would be very misleading to the public and trying to cover up their own failings. These schemes tend to simply push any problem they are trying to solve elsewhere... For example close Elmfield Avenue during school run times and as a result, Rokesly Avenue gets worse. Make a neighbourhood low traffic and the main roads which are already the most polluted and busy, get even worse... What about kids who live on those roads?! 

Hi Mark, I'm going to get onto local media about it. Would it be OK if you sent me a copy of the FOI report you received, please so I can forward onto them?

If you're interested, the second half of the latest episode of Joe Lycett's Got Your Back is addressing this matter in Croydon and across London. https://www.channel4.com/programmes/joe-lycetts-got-your-back/on-de...

Last call for any points or info useful for my London Tribunals hearing, which is in 2 hours.

Thanks a lot for the help of others to this point.

Good luck, let us know how you get on.

Good luck Brian, well done for seeing it through!



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