Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Picked up a copy of Enfield / Haringey Independent last Week

Seems that there are Now Seven Local authorities using this Plant

Seems that people are still trying to Stop the New plant being built

Aware the world would like more materials to be recycled

But main issue is there is Not viable markets for most recycled materials

And Water and Energy has to be saved

As someone who has worked in Haringey Refuse Service before retirement .                             I am well aware of how the amount of Rubbish being thrown out over the years has grown

Not forgetting how the local population has grown in recent years. With large Houses converted to Flats and Houses to Rooms. Plus the grown number of Flats being built in the Borough

Especially in last Five years as the growth of Take Away Meals has grown

Big issue I have noticed is the number of recycled bins being rejected for having food stained cartons in them

I accept that Burning Waste is not the Best Green way of dealing with Rubbish

But is the Safest in todays Virus World.

Not forgetting that much of the Waste solids are also disposed in the Incinerator                Which does produce Electricity to the National Grid and heating to properties

Especially as more of past Waste tips are being exposed around the Coast as rising tidies are eroding parts of UK's coastline

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