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Hi there, 

I have some 1 mm thick aluminium tubes that i need to reduced down from 50 cm length to 42 cm length. Does anybody have an electric saw that i can borrow for an hour?



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Andy, I think you'd be better off with a hacksaw - it will make quick work of tubes that thickness and far less faff and potential for error than using a power tool in that situation.

Hi Daniel,

the synth rig i have see attached picture has at least 6 tubes that require precise cutting. I thought it would just be a matter of G-clamping each tube then with the electric saw,  10 seconds of cutting per tube. straight through - Job done. whereas I have terrible memories of my previous amateur attempts at using a hacksaw saw me veering slightly left or slightly right during the process. I really do appreciate you trying to help .  What i will probably do is pick up an electric saw from Homebase for £25 at the W/E 


Andy Bethune

Hi Daniel

just interested in this electric saw. Not sure I know of one which would be fine enough but would like to know.  I now use a Japanese saw for this kind of thing. Very good for fine cutting. I know what you mean about hacksaws, I too have experience the dreaded veering....

Hi Andy,

I don't see your attachements - what's the diameter of the tubing and what tolerances do you need them cut to? If it's just a hand-held power tool (e.g. circular saw) , you still have the problem of cutting straight and cutting to tolerance - the potential for mess ups is greater too! You'll likely have to finish off with a file in any case to de-burr. I personally would cut free-hand with a hacksaw and file down to finish, but I've done a fair bit of metalwork over the years. You also have the option with that thickness (assuming the diameter is not too big - at ~1mm thick walls, I'd be very surprised if the tube was greater than 1" diameter, which is fine) of using a good quality pipe cutting tool (e.g. http://www.screwfix.com/p/rothenberger-minimax-tube-cutter-3-28mm/6...), or even using a bike steerer tube cutting guide with a hacksaw (e.g. https://www.evanscycles.com/topeak-threadless-saw-guide-tool-EV185478). Both of these should do the job well too.

Hope this helps!


Yes depending on diameter I'd use a pipe cutter. I have a 22mm cutter if that's any good to you. It's easy and rather fun to use.

Thanks Sarah,

All sorted now, i bought an electric saw from homebase and it did the job.


Thanks again Daniel, All sorted now, i bought an electric saw from homebase and it did the job.



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