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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!


Distraction Burglaries, where the suspect calls at a house with a story to get in or allow his accomplice to get in while the resident is distracted, are rare but we would like to reduce the risk of them happening especially where the elderly are targetted.

Below is a list of suggestions that can help to reduce the risk and we would ask you all to have a read of them. If you have elderly relatives or are in contact with elderly people could we ask that you pass this iinformation on to them and, if possible, encourage them to act upon it especially the Utility Company Passwords scheme.

There are so many gas and electricity suppliers nowadays that creating a list of phone numbers would be impractical however each household will have the contact details of their companies on the bills they receive.


  • LOCK: Keep front and back doors locked, even when you are at home.
  • STOP: Before you answer, stop and think if you are expecting anyone. Before you answer the front door, check that all back doors are locked. Look through the spy hole or the window to see who it is.
  • CHAIN: if you decide to open the door, put the door chain or bar on first. Keep the bar or chain on while you are talking to the person on the doorstep. (Normally, when the door is shut and locked, leave the bar and chain off in case you need to get out in an emergency.)
  • CHECK: If you’re not sure who is at your door, don’t open it. If you’re not expecting them, keep them outside and tell them you are going to check with the company. Don’t worry about any story they give you about it being urgent or they haven’t got time to wait. Bona fide company staff will understand and patiently wait. At the same time check the identity of the caller when you call the company they claim to be from eg. police, council or gas, electricity, water companies. After all do you know what a genuine ID card from the company looks like and could you spot a fake? Use the telephone numbers listed in your local directory or sent to you by your service provider. Do not use any telephone numbers provided by the caller, as they may be bogus. If you are not completely satisfied with the identity of a caller, do not let them in. Ask them to come back later and arrange for a friend, relative or neighbour to be present on their return.
  • Many utility service providers like gas, electricity and water, offer password schemes for customers, sign up to these. When unannounced callers claiming to be from these utility providers call at your door they should know the password if they are genuine.
  • ‘Water Boards’ no longer exist, it is an obsolete phrase used only by bogus callers.
  • If a builder or tradesman offers to accompany you to the bank so you can withdraw cash to pay them don’t accept. Arrange for someone you know well to take you and pay the tradesman later.
  • Don’t keep large quantities of cash at home; put it in the bank where it is safe
  • Keep doors locked and windows secure at all times.
  • Ensure that if you do let somebody in to your home, you close the door behind them not them, they might leave it on the latch – distraction burglars often work in teams, where one will distract you whilst others sneak in through the insecure door.
  • If somebody asks for your help (needs to make a telephone call, lost a ball in your garden, needs a drink or pen and paper) refer them to a younger neighbour or assist them through a closed door or call a friend or neighbour to come and help.
  • Beware of a person who knocks on your door claiming to urgently need money for the electric for their cold, hungry children or to get a cab to the hospital or any other ruse they come up with. Why does somebody you don’t know think it’s reasonable to knock on your door and ask you for money? What is the likelihood they will return and repay you? Don’t let them into your home.
  • If you suspect a bogus caller is at your door call 999 immediately.

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