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Did your local MP vote against the third runway at Heathrow?

Did your local MP, David Lammy, vote against the third runway at Heathrow on your behalf?

Here's the list of Labour MPs that did;

Diane Abbott, Harry Cohen, Jeremy Corbyn, Jim Cousins, Frank Dobson, David Drew, Frank Field, Paul Flynn, Dr Ian Gibson, John Grogan, Kate Hoey, Kelvin Hopkins, Dr Lynne Jones, Peter Kilfoyle, John McDonnell, Andrew Mackinlay, Bob Marshall-Andrews, Michael Meacher, George Mudie, Chris Mullin, Gordon Prentice, Nick Raynsford, Martin Salter, Virendra Sharma, Alan Simpson, Andrew Slaughter, Andrew Smith, and David Taylor.

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You saying that David Lammy didn't vote against it as he's not on the list?
I presume that is what he's inferring..

Of course not one of these NIMBYS ever uses Heathrow when they fly off on their summer Hols..

I don't think a third runway is good idea either.. But to think that these MPs really care, is going way too far.. They're only concerned about their jobs.. exactly like the opposite who try to make capital out of it. When in Government, they would make exactly the same decisions.

Heathrow is a very big job machine -- and people should remember that, when they agitate against it..
And the prize for accurate observation goes to ...... Birdy! :)
so why didn't you say so..?
The journey is also in discovering who did.

Like the MP for Hackney for example.
Dunce boy here, but I didn't think the past was that clear?

No surprises about Lammy, most MPs tow the party line as they lack any backbone. I wonder of he towed the party line with the relaxing of gambling regulations - what do you think?

Good point about jobs Stephen but that could be applicable to anything damaging, smoking, cars, grog etc etc and shouldn't be a reason to vote for it.
Lammy's 'office' is a member of this site. Maybe they can answer why he didn't vote against the third runway on behalf of his constituents, as well as which way he voted regards the gambling regulations.

Is the Tory idea of investing in building more high speed rail from London going north a better idea? There's jobs in that idea btw Stephen. Apparently a large % of flights out of Heathrow pop backwards & forwards between UK cities.
Take the tories on their record and what they've already said..

We have John Major's Government to thank for the state that the railways found/find themselves in today.. In 16 years they hardly ever invested anything in them.. Remember the Channel Tunnel opening with no link whatsoever on the UK side.. It had to wait for quite a few deaths and a labour government to re-nationalise Railtrack before the rail-link into St Pancras was built and new stock or any improvements came..

Also, the tories can't have their cake and eat it- they want to invest money on new railways..(joke) (just wait till the tory shires get wind of a new railway through their back yards) while at the same time cutting expenditure..
A lousy idea from a party that never was interested in Public Transport.. Apart that is for closing down half the railway network in the 1960s (Beeching) or selling off the rest in the late 80s early 90s.. In Haringey, they closed the Allly Pally line in 1954 and the Palace Gates Line in 1963, Imagine today a railway running from Muswell Hill, Crouch End into Finsbury Park - it would be packed out

The financial system that has just sunk used to be known as HMS Thatcher and USS Ron Reagan.. so no, never trust a tory on public transport when you see one..
Oh absolutely, the Tory record on public transport is dire. I remember them rushing through the sell off of the railways before falling at the elections. They'd obviously promised the routes to their business chums. Bush has done the same with land leases for oil drilling.

Listening to a report on R4 this morning it seems all the political parties are interested in this high speed rail idea. So really I suppose it comes down to a debate about a 3rd runway or a high speed rail link. Personally I'm for the latter.
Well the idea is that a lot (I've heard 40%) of flights out of Heathrow could be covered by high speed rail. Geoff Hoon was being his usual "unpopular boy at school" self when he asked Emma Thompson how she got to Los Angeles when she was protesting over the third runway. That's not the point (for me anyway) it's the massive number of flights each day to bloody Paris!
I'm 100% behind a high-speed rail link as log as it is affordable. The present mess we have at the moment means that 90% of the time business people fly into London from the north, as it is cheaper than the rip off train network, particularly Virgin West Coast. There’s no point building it if it is going to be 300% more expensive than flying.

I blame the Tories in selling off the family Ford Cortina, sure BR wasn’t the most efficient transport company in the world but that was no reason to sell it off to the profit thirsty that rarely uses public transport i.e. the Tories. Something this widely used should never be privately owned, even though the train network was original privately owned.

Thirty years ago it was cheaper to travel by train, now in majority of cases it’s easier and cheaper to travel by car, which surely is sending a wrong message.

Labour is no better and have only built their mould based on the Tories of old, indistinguishable.
Flying to Paris is nuts. It's so much easier via Eurostar, especially now that it zooms through England to Dover in 20mins. And it's so much more comfortable. Taking the train is civilised, flying is for cattle.

The tracks have gone back to government because the silly experiment of the Tories failed. But everyone knew it would except for a few pig headed Tories in their dying days of power.

Should the rail stock stay in private hands? Don't know. There are apparently 1300 new carriages being built over the next few years but the trouble is both the taxpayer and rail users are paying through the nose for this. This doesn't make sense, especially when, as you say Birdy, it's cheaper by car.

Most good rail systems in other countries are govt owned or at least heavily subsidized. They are seen as essential to running an efficient transport system and economy. With freight trains one train driver can move as much freight as dozens of truck drivers. No brainer.

That champion of the free market, the US, has a poor passenger train network and relies instead on a shoddy internal flight network (although their freight trains do better). It's well known that their planes are old and poorly maintained. Doesn't sound to me like the free market is working for them!



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