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Techie stuff

Are you more of an empathiser or a schadenfreuder?

Even for Apple fans, its surely hard not to feel some human empathy with Steven Sinofsky (President of Windows and Windows Live Division) as he demonstrates Microsoft's new tablet computer before the Press in Hollywood.

Surface Presentation (YouTube)

Today's Financial Times has a two third page article on what the stakes are for the company with the introduction of this machine.

Tags for Forum Posts: Sinofsky, Surface, iPad, tablet

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Manna from heaven for Apple fan boys, eh Clive.

I think Mr Sinofsky copes admirably well, given what he's having to deal with. Instead of fainting or screaming, he managed to carry on with the spiel he'd memorised ... which didn't match up with what his eyes were telling him. I think that if they really do go into production, those contraptions are likely to be more reliable than the one he used in the demo ...


Steven Sinofsky later parted company with the Beast of Redmond and he is not allowed to criticise the Beast.

The "non disparagement' agreement is noted here:

Microsoft also detailed the agreement Steven Sinofsky signed when he was ousted in 2012 following reported differences in opinion over the direction of Windows. The agreement states, in addition to the releasing of stock options, that Sinofsky is not allowed to work with companies including Amazon, Apple, EMC, Facebook, Google, Oracle and VMWare for a year after his departure. Sinofsky also signed a 'non disparagement' agreement, meaning he is not allowed to comment on Microsoft practices during his time with the company.

Councils sometimes pay large amounts of cash to disgruntled departing employees by way of Compromise Agreements covered by 'gagging' clauses; should they also consider requiring employees to sign non-disparagement agreements?



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