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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

After recent discussions over the demise of the local bendy bus (29) with hot topics including fare dodging (!), we see below a very direct approach to dealing with such dodgers; 






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Why is it that nerds, the one group in society that needs to the most, cannot negotiate with authority?

That fat pollock's a well-fed fish. Bet you he's a tory.

Just an OT test.. in some German cities 'honesty boxes' are still used on newspaper stands.. You pay your money and then take your newspaper:

Hhmm. what would happen in Harringay I wonder?

Zu wenig Trams - Too few Trams

W H Smith in Wood Green do this. You take your paper and chuck your money in a box.

Oh I wasn't aware of that.. but you mean inside the store and not unattended on street?


I believe Hugh pointed out that homeless people were riding the bendy buses at night to keep warm; Guardian article. This doesn't link directly to the student highlighted in the video above but possibly to wider issues of poverty and stretched budgets. The BBC has a different angle to youth poverty today; Students turning to prostitution to fund studies. The jobless figures out today see higher levels of youth unemployment, now 22%; UK unemployment increases to 2.64m. And of course train fares are up another 5% in January.


As to Pollack, maybe he fancies himself as a Guardian angel at weekends. However for his current efforts he'll probably be booked for assault. Not such a smart move if that's the case.

According to what I read, the lad was refusing to pay and swearing at the conductor. If so, he doesn't deserve sympathy.

BTW, the British Government continually distracts by say it's the Eurozone's fault that Unemloyment in the UK is so high. Yes that can be said to be true in the Eurozone countries that tried the British/US economic system (wealth creation through property purchase) i.e. Spain, Portugal & Ireland..

But this isn't the case in those that don't : i.e Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Luxembourg

The property crash of 2008 and countries overspending is the real cause of the crisis (an anglo-saxon crisis). The 'Euro' is only responsible in that it enabled countries to borrow 'cheap money' with too little regulation.

Unemployment in Germany is currently the lowest it has been for over twenty years (East German unification has been more or less digested) with more people working than ever before and with 8-9% youth unemployment, although over 40,000 apprentice placements were left unfilled at the end of 2011.

I come in contact with many UK residents through work and it's frightening how many have fallen for the British Governments  & I have to say BBC's propaganda .. Britain's problem is that it too has been living way beyond it's means for a long time - just like Ireland, Spain & the USA and the level of 'personal debt' is much higher than in most of the Eurozone countries - I think I'm right in saying - twice as high as Italy! And what's worse, Britain still is trying the tired old consumer (shopping) model of getting out of it's recession, whereas you really need to start manufacturing things that people want to buy again ...

Going OT but just to prove my point :

This SPECULATION from the BBC today - taken by many to be the 'real truth' but actually just  'in the tories pocket Peston' ranting on and talking down the Euro as usual..


Small correction: I meant to write Sweden & Denmark both outside of the Eurozone.. only Denmark & the UK have an opt out but Denmark has said it will eventually join, that's why all these countries voted against the UK.

And now Hungary and the Czech Republic...

America will step in, they own a lot of European debt, much more than anyone else. They can just print money too, it will piss off the Chinese but perhaps that's not so bad. Do I hear a two trillion dollar bazooka yet?

err, yes they could Osbawn.. but would have to have a grasp of German (to pass the examinations) .. Sie müssen eigentlich Deutsch können.. The law is being changed to enable 'foreign' qualifications to be accepted.

At the height of the 2008 crash, the German government paid companies to keep people in place rather than sack them, by paying half their wages instead of wasting the money on unemployment benefit.. the country, the workers and the companies all benefited and Germany soared out that crisis...

Yes the Wandergeselle still are alive and well.. tend to be Zimmermänner (or Carpenters)..

I got a shot of this 'Geselle' from Kiel in his traditional outfit and wooden walking stick he crafted himself, passing through Berlin in 2009:

U-Bhf Friedrichstraße'Gesellen' have to work their way around the country, learning their trade and need to get their jobs certified by the employers in order to qualify as 'Meister' or Experienced Carpenters. Only 'Meister' can teach apprentices.. and so the trades are passed on from generation to generation.


In our small media company we have 8 permanent staff, around 25-30 freelances (cameramen technicians etc.,) and two apprentices, 1 male, 1 female, both university students, but learning a trade with us.. The German government gives tax breaks to companies that take on apprentices = Azubis (or Auszubildende) and levies taxes on those that don't.

Just this week I was at a German Chamber of Commerce celebration for those apprentices that came first in their particular trade - from Sewing to Animal Rescue, Electricians to IT staff .. all go through apprenticeships in Germany..

DIHK BerlinThis is why German industry does well.. hard work and training..



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