Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!


We have received through the post over the last few days 2 letters and leaflets from the Department for Transport about the next stage of crossrail 2 safeguarding consultation.

Apparently, we are within or less than 200 metres from an area of surface interest and it looks like, from the letters, that it is going to devalue your property... and TFL might actually buy our house if we invoke Statutory Blight notice.

I have started to read about the Crossrail 2 and consultation- but I am totally in experienced on what this means, what is going to happen, how this might affect selling the house in the future...etc... and any advice would be great to know- in addition, anyone in the same situation- be good to share info.

It says in the letter- "the consultation document and supporting information together with a form for responses can be seen on the website www.gov.uk" 

Managed to find the consultation page:


not sure - but might be useful to others interested in consulting.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts- info on this.


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