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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

With Halloween and Bonfire Night around the corner, the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) today, Monday 17 October, commences its seasonal crackdown on crime and anti-social behaviour.


With both these events approaching, the focus of the MPS will be on ensuring the safety of our communities throughout this period.


Commander Christine Jones, said: "We are here for London and to help make sure that everyone can enjoy the festivities and stay safe.


"All 32 London boroughs have a local plan in place, drawing together experience and successful tactics from previous years as well as managing planned events in their areas, focusing our resources in the right places and working closely and continually with our partners and communities.


"I would like to stress that our operations are not aimed at demonising young people, the large majority of whom behave safely and responsibly. However those intent on committing crime and anti social behaviour will face the consequences."


In the period leading up to half term, schools officers have been reiterating safety tips to young people ahead of the festivities.


Officers are carrying out after school patrols at key locations, such as town centres and transport hubs to disrupt potential involvement in robbery, violence and other criminal activities which impact our neighbourhoods.


They will also be using screening arches as well as 'wands' as part of wider detection tactics to deter the carriage of weapons and will take part in test sale operations with Trading Standards regarding the sale of fireworks, alcohol and over the counter weapons.


Boroughs will receive central support for their operations, including mobile phone units that will be deployed in response to particular threats. This additional support is controlled and directed from the MPS Central Command Complex [one of the three MPS 999 centres].


All Safer Neighbourhoods Teams will be patrolling at key times in town centres and other key locations.


In addition the MPS Safer Transport Command, funded by Transport for London (TfL), is running concurrently Operation Safebus, an intensive two week operation to prevent youth disorder on the transport network during the autumn half term and encompassing Halloween and Bonfire Night.


Commander Jones added: "During this busy period, ensure you stay safe by staying with others and try to attend well organised events.


"When you are out, keep your valuables and high value mobile phones out of sight, or leave them at home.


"If trick or treating, be aware of the impact of your actions on others- it may cause unnecessary worry to some of the more vulnerable members of our communities. Wherever possible parents should try to accompany their children.


"If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to contact your local Safer Neighbourhoods Team or in an emergency always dial 999.


"Do not forget the security of your home. If you are going out for the evening, ensure you have closed and locked your doors and windows and make sure that you leave lights on. The clocks go back on 30 October, so it may be dark before you expect it."


Kit Malthouse, Deputy Mayor for Policing, added: "We want people to enjoy themselves and also to ensure everyone feels safe going about their business and in their communities.


"London remains one of the safest cities to go out at night, but of course you should also employ common sense and be aware of what's happening around you.


"For the minority of people that might cause trouble, this will not be tolerated and the police will be ready to respond, quickly and decisively."

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