Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Just to let you know, I'll be doing my surgery as usual today, the 20th April. It wil run from 11 to 12 at the CAB Offices on the Corner of Willoughby and Hamden Roads.

David Schmitz

Liberal Democrat Councillor, Harringay Ward

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Today is the 19th. You lost a day last weekend :)


Would Haringey Council contribute curb stones from the Green Lanes OLF project, if we got the ok from Thames Water?
Whoops? I'm here right now.
A waste of Fire Brigades resources; once a month a car hits a Thames Water man hole cover at no 40, cracking the sump cover of a vehicle passing, the oil bleeds down Hewitt, (up to 50 M long at times,) this evening a pizza delivery man slid over on his 'postie bike.'

Who should deal with it, the council or the fire brigade? the last incidence was a week ago during the last heavy rain, so it was less noticeable.

The problem is cars cannot travel more than 12 MPH over speed humps, even though the speed limit is 20MPH.

The road was laid in two parts, creating a ridge in the middle of the rd 's traverse, creating a steep camber, the vehicles motor is closer to the rd because of it, impact is increased because of the 15 degree gradient of the road, the speed humps are the longest distance appart at this point so vehicles are able to gather speed, the vehicle impacts directly after completing the speed hump.

Council officials have visited, and made minimal surface alterations, (before the man hole lip which pertrudes the roads surface by a cm,) the slick has now been gritted, but this is superficial.

One resident has fractured their elbow, three others have slipped over and a cyclist as well as a motor cyclist, (mentioned above) have had incidents caused by this recurring slick, what can be done, as it is a grave concern to residents? I will also cc in the other councillors.

Have you sent in reports, Matthew?  Photos?  Were they acknowledged?

When a problem keeps recurring and you're confident there's an underlying  problem - literally in this case - I'd suggest FixMyStreet website. (Currently there seems to be nothing showing as reported on Hewitt Road.)  FixMyStreet will retain the dated reports on its map so patterns become apparent. 

Can I also suggest that right now, it could be very useful if small groups of local residents followed the example set by political candidates as they go along streets. But not of course, knocking on doors to compile lists of supporters (Voter ID it's called).

Instead groups of residents could go up and down streets compiling a street audit and reporting - with or without photos - all the potholes, non-functioning street lights, dumped rubbish, broken pavements etc etc. All the problems which many council candidates will probably ignore if they don't get elected and quite often, if they do.

FixMyStreet would again be a good option for this. There's nothing like a nervous candidate eager for votes who knows that voters are out and about with eyes open, a notebook and a camera. Especially in supposedly marginal wards. (But then who's sure what's marginal any more?)

If you are at home when party canvassers come calling, please don't ignore them.  If only for one minute, open the door, smile sweetly, and explain that you'd prefer the Council's time and money spent on useful real tasks and services. Including repairing those broken pavements. And enforcing against dumpers, bad landlords, noise nuisance etc  And not  the glam, wasteful and destructive stuff like yachts in Cannes, meeting large landowners etc.

For fun, and to reinforce the message, I'd be tempted to follow the party canvassers along your street. Ignoring them. But taking photos of any graffiti, potholes, litter, dumped supermarket trolleys, open phone cabinets etc.  And tweeting and/or reporting these in.

Nothing like a bit of Alinsky tactics.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

I'm a fan of FixMyStreet. 

One word of warning if you use it in Haringey (or indeed Islington, my other main experience of using it) - when in the past I've reported things through it that then didn't get done and needed chasing up etc, I've often encountered variations on 'it's your fault if you decided not to use the council's own website to report something'.

Not a sentiment I agree with... but it does mean that it often then takes that bit of extra pushing to get beyond this initial response.

Mark, I'm a fan too.

Please see my post earlier this morning to FMS.

Six months ago I used the council's web site to report a broken fence in Highgate. When nothing was done, five weeks later, I reported the same problem via FMS. Nothing was done. I understand the council is arguing about who is responsible for the fix (Highways? Parks? HfH?)

In Victorian times, the Hillcrest Estate was the site of an asylum for Fallen Women – The St Mary Magdalen House of Charity, reputedly visited by Gladstone.

Now, its northern periphery is the site of the shame of Fallen Fences ...

Where please, is the website Fix My Council ?!

am a prospective councillor candidate
Highgate Ward | Liberal Democrat Party

Haringey does have a stock response along the lines of: Please use the Council's own website.  But I suspect it's boilerplate text inserted by a computer set to spew standard replies.

But I've never had: "it's your fault for using FixMyStreet".  Perhaps because they think I will cause more trouble than if they just get on with doing the job in the first place?

Plan A:  Always expect and invite the best from people; and you will often get their best.  But have Plans B-to-E just in case.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)



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