Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

"Electing a Labour council is the best protection for your community against the onslaught from this Conservative Government. Even in the toughest of times it is Labour councils that are making better choices.This Conservative Government is making the wrong choices and has the wrong priorities." Jeremy Corbyn (5 Apr.)
Good to know that Haringey Council has got its priorities right in closing day care centres for those suffering from altzheimers and autism whilst spending £86,000 on a re-branding exercise. (Perhaps this information hasn't drifted down to the council... or up to Jeremy.)

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Your comparison, Brian B, is inaccurate. Nationally the Labour Party is not a monolithic autocratic body headed by an all-powerful Dear Leader.
I was recently disappointed to learn that there is no evidence that Mahatma Gandhi ever said "it would be a good idea"  when asked what he thought of Western civilization.
On the back of the Labour Party membership card it says it is "a democratic socialist party". So were you to ask me what I thought of having Haringey Council once again run by a democratic socialist Labour Party I would have no hesitation in saying that it would be a good idea.

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