Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

A family in Haringey takes part in clap for our NHS heroes - reported in The Sun.

Tags for Forum Posts: coronavirus, coronavirus clapping

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It'd be lovely, of course, if as well as clapping, folk around the country stopped voting for a party that has run our NHS into the ground, privatised it slowly and by stealth and generally left it in such a state that it can't cope when we most need it to.

PLus, how utterly disgusting for the Sun to somehow try to link folk clapping NHS workers risking their lives - without sufficient PPE or tests being caried out - with this somehow having anything to do with 'showing appreciation for' Boris Johnson.

Carers are much wider than the NHS. There's lots of home carers that aren't so lucky and are on 0hr contracts. If they have to self isolate, they won't get paid - not as lucky as NHS employees. They're my true heroes.



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