I bought this as a back-up camera a few years back. It was used on something like 20 projects where multiple exposures were taken. It comes with all its bits, strap and battery charger completely unused and a crisp new box.
When I was deciding whether to sell this one of the 5D MkIV, I was hard-pressed to decide. I probably don't need the 5D and honestly, for most of us this one is just as good. But it's the one I used a lot and and more attached to.
All in all this is a great little camera. It does most of what it's big brothers do at a fraction of the price.
It's being sold as a kit, along with a 50mm lens.(Lens has no box). This is a chaneg to when I first posted it.
Here's a review outlining what a great second-had deal these cameras are-www.digitalcameraworld.com/uk/buying-guides/canon-eos-70d-deals
If you were buying from a used camera place, this would be classed as Excellent (Boxed) and the body alone would sell at somewhere near £400.
I'm selling this for £350 and it's local. I'll drop it off to you or you can come and pick it up.
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