Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Sorry, just a joke there in the title.

But there is a real point to it.

Does anyone else, like me, have just a tiny feeling of unease about these guys running training camps in the middle of Finsbury Park? Don't people have, like, a say in what outfits are and are not allowed to use park facilities?

In case you are wondering what the heck I'm banging on about, pop down to the park right now. You'll probably find three or four trainers in military fatigues (really) putting a lot of sweaty nice north London types through their paces. (Then again the heat may have put a temporary stop to it... I don't know, I'm still at work.)

I just feel very slightly concerned that this group is allowed to use the park for profit and also use the cafe (well the back part of it) as well. Does the Friends society have a view? What about HoLers? I've Googled it a good bit and can see only positive comments about BMF. But are they "fit" persons to be using our park?...

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Almost every park in London is used by personal fitness trainers - 'Fit for a Princess' definitely runs in Clapham Common (pretty sure fatigues aren't de riguer for that group) and I pass about 5 groups training in Green Park on summer evenings. I think the idea is that it is a park which is free to use for recreational purposes and if you can go for a run there with a group of friends, you can go for a run with a trainer.

Are you uneasy about the clothes they are wearing or that a public space is being used by an organisation which charges for their services? I'm pretty sure they are allowed to use the park as long as they aren't a nucience to other's enjoyment...
Both. And of course the name as well. Also they are being allowed to use the cafe building as a base. As this is a public space and therefore a public building why are they allowed to use it? Is there a process? Perhaps someone can advise...
They are the public, just the same as you and me. Do they get in your way ? Do you find them threatening ?

Get them banned if you like, but ban ice-cream vans too. Why shouldn't they use the cafe for God's sake ? I suppose they buy teas and coffees and deserve them too.
What's funny about this of course is not so long ago people were getting rather worked up at the suggestion that people be allowed to conduct religious practices in the park, now military manoeuvres are waved through, ha ha ha (not...)
Oh and ban the concerts too.

They're not military manoevers: they are get fit classes.
Nearly tempted to go up and see what "nice north London types" looked like.
Its just a fad. Doesn't bother me. I love watching them to be honest, is highly entertaining!

At least they aren't annexing an entire section of the park and building a car park to boot. Now that does annoy me...
I'm quite happy for the British Military Fitness teams to do their thing in the park. It's what parks are for, for one thing, and I'd rather have the park full of "sweaty nice North London types" than "drunk criminal North London types". I'm convinced the two groups are mutually exclusive, and if the former can edge out the latter then the park would be a better place for it.
Well, the Guardian did a Military Fitness pull-out one January a couple of years ago, with a complete training programme. It's just about fitness, not rifle training or owt like that.

If folks want a hard training regime, then that's fine with me. Exercise is good for the mind, body and soul and isn't that what our green spaces are for?
In October 2007 comming back from a weekend trip to Wellington by myself a dashing and well built young Englishman on the flight pulled the pretty Dutch girl next to me when we landed at Singapore. He had just come back from some travelling after doing a stint in 'stan with the British Army. He and a buddy from the army were going to setup something like this. I wonder if it's him. Yes, ban them I say.

PS only joking...
British Military fitness are so called I believe because the trainers are ex-military, and they've actually been around for several years. For anyone who's 'brave' enough to try it, it's a very effective form of training.

I must say I'm struggling to understand what exactly the concern is of the original poster. Is he unaware that we have extremely high rates of obesity in this country? Any 'public display' of fitness that might encourage adults and children to participate in exercise is to be applauded, in my opinion.

Another case of nimbyism gone mad perhaps.

Personally, I'm more incensed by the injustice taking place in Palestine right now - perhaps I'll start a post about that.
I started going about 5 weeks ago and now I count myself as "a sweaty nice North London type". I am pretty stunned that anyone has any beef with it at all. And as someone else rightfully pointed out at least we are not training dogs to hang on to trees, drinking tennants extra - and to be honest I would laugh at me if I was watching as I'm sure I look a right t**t!!

They don't use the cafe for anything other than a meeting point and there is a lock up that I'm sure they rent from the council to keep everyones bags etc in. I can assure you they are not training me to go fight on foreign shores - just try and reduce the size of my arse.



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