Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

There have been a spate of burglaries in Harringay, I can't claim this is the reason, but surely it's not rocket science. Any would be burglar can see there might not be anybody home if there are bins left on the path. Especially if the property owner is away or is on holiday and unable to put their bins back for a week or so.

I know there are many other problems with refuse collection- HMO's, purple bags, twice monthly rubbish collection, commercial waste, fly tipping, bulky collection etc etc. But I thought I'd just concentrate on bins not being put back and the associated risk of burglary.

If you'd like to complain because it's an issue on your street I thought it might be helpful to have the correct people to complain to, maybe if everyone complains enough the problem might be resolved...

If you'd like to complain and don't have time, copy and paste this and cc the addresses below. If anyone has any other email addresses to add or any other comments then please feel free to amend my post.

Please send this email to: 


To whom it may concern,

I am extremely worried that bins left on the pathways of properties on my street -:... are an advert to any passing burglar that there's nobody home. Obviously this poses an even greater risk if the property owner is away and unable to move their bins for a week or so.

Unless the refuse collectors are being given unrealistic times in which to complete their round then I can only conclude that it's just plain sloppy and lazy on their part.

I would like an assurance that this problem is being looked in to as it seems to be a problem with Veolia that is borough wide. Can you tell me what steps will be taken to rectify this problem? 


Kind regards...


These via Harringay Gardens association are other suggested emails to send to:

Other people in the Harringay might not have the same ward councillors...?

I would suggest further emails should be sent  to our Ward Cllrs  Mr McNicholas who's responsibility the bins are, local SNT Police Sgt and Pauline all email addresses below.
I also enclose Karen Alexander's email who is a Lib Dem Cllr for Harringay Ward and was on the Committee as well as Cllr Stanton (Labour Cllr) again enclosed below



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It's:  stuart.mcnamara@haringey.gov.uk

Stuart works as a teacher in another borough so won't be able to reply straight away, Daniel. You might also copy-in Martin Bradford the council officer who is supporting the work of the panel.


This is the email I sent today and the attached photos:

Dear All,


These were the recipients:

enquiries.haringey@veolia.co.uk, alan.stanton@blueyonder.co.uk, gardensresidents@yahoogroups.co.uk, Nilgun.Canver@haringey.gov.uk, david.browne@haringey.gov.uk, Zena.Brabazon@haringey.gov.uk Michael.McNicholas@haringey.gov.uk ,steve.groom@met.police.uk, Pauline.Syddell@met.police.uk, Karen.Alexander2@haringey.gov.uk



As promised Cllr Zena Brabazon arranged a walk about with Jean-Francois the senior manager for Veolia in Haringey, today in the Gardens. Thank you to you and Jean-Francois for arranging this so quickly. I happened to bump into them on my way home and spoke to them briefly about my concerns, there were other people on the walkabout but I'm not sure what their roles were, perhaps Zena knows? I don't want to misrepresent what I was told so if I'm wrong then I'm happy to be corrected.
We mainly spoke about bins not being put back where they were found, Jean-Francois agreed that there shouldn't be a problem at my particular property as there is no step and no reason for employees to not do so. So if this continues to be a problem at your property then I'd suggested complaining every week. However, if there is decorative edging the bin men might not put it back as they may cause damage... Although this seemed a little vague.
Mainly what transpired was that there is an issue with the weight of the wheelie bins and the health and safety of the employees. Basically If your bin has to be moved up and down steps then the bin operatives don't even have to collect it as it could be too heavy. It is up to individual employees whether or not they want to move it to empty it.
Jean-Francois told me that Instead of wheelie bins they should have bags. If this is the case it is completely beyond me why every property has been given a recycling wheelie bin!?? Anyway, surely bags would be worse...?
The whole situation seems completely farcical to me. The main problem appears to be the complete lack of communication from Veolia and the inability to deal with complaints. 
Basically if your bin or recycling or garden waste isn't taken away, or if your bins are not put back then it's impossible to know why as no note is left. If you complain via enquiries.haringey@veolia.co.uk then in my experience you get nowhere. The situation is extremely frustrating and in my opinion doesn't seem to be improving.
To give Veolia credit my bin was put back today, i've complained every week for the last two months for this to happen and it's only happened once so I'm not holding my breath...
Please find attached photos taken on my street today, I didn't have time to go further afield but I'd say they're fairly representative of the collection area today. Photo 13 shows a bin with a missing lid, can I assume that this will be replaced by next week? Photo 17 shows a recycling bin that hasn't been emptied, have the residents been told why? The rest of the photos show bins left in pathways, presumably if there's an issue with putting their bin back they've been told why?
I will be adding this email to the Harringay Online website, there seem to be a lot of people in the area that are unhappy with the current service. Perhaps Veolia could use the website to help communicate with residents.
Yours hopefully, Bethany.





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