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Big issue suggests Noël park is going to be up for 'discussion'.

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Sorry John

Should have been more specific - the handouts that Alan refers to and general information being put out about the Noel Park estate. I do believe though I may be wrong that Mark is head of Press. Please correct me mark and apologies if I am wrong. I would have preferred and answer from the candidate who made the claims rather than the head of press.

Emine Ibrahim
Labour Party Candidate (Harringay Ward)

Hi Emine and others,

The truth is that the estate has not had any improvement or substantial repairs made for 30 years, not just since 2010. And obviously, the longer you leave it the more expensive it gets, a vicious circle which leaves the estate forever excluded from the programme. 8 years and over £200m later, the estate has yet to receive anything. Rectifying this would be my number one priority if I am elected.

I welcome the 'Noel Park Improvement Plan" announced back in November, but according to the minutes this is only a "feasibility study is undertaken to establish regeneration and/or investment opportunities at Noel Park and solutions for estate improvements are presented for consideration by Cabinet during 2014." - http://www.minutes.haringey.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=118&.... I look forward to seeing what the study concludes. As far as I understand, there are no timescales yet and no funding has been allocated.

But aside from improvements, there are the regular home repairs, which is a separate issue (and a statutory obligation of HfH and the Council). Hundreds of residents have been waiting for months, or even years, for their homes to be repaired, and again, there is an issue here not of funding but of enormous waste, as the article previously linked pointed out. I've heard from residents about the council paying repeated visits, but coming with the wrong tools; doing a botch job that then needs has to be properly fixed later at a greater cost; a man's attic being first painted, then repaired, then painted again, etc...

Roberto Robles
Liberal Democrat candidate, Noel Park ward

So, Roberto, as a candidate you are unable to be even-handed and intellectually honest enough to murmur even a whisper of criticism or concern at the ending of Decent Homes Funding?

Well, here's the bad news. You've secured yourself a place on my Election Matrix.  In the column headed: Don't give them your vote; Don't even give them the steam from your piss.

At the moment it's quite crowded with red-rosetted Tories Labour candidates. You're the first LibDem.

The good news is that there's some flexibility. You're allowed to do a Clegg and sing I'm really really sorry and change your public position.

But first try the Stanton patent Spine Test. 

1. Stand up straight.

2. Hands behind your back.

3. Interlace your fingers leaving your two thumbs pointing upwards.

4. Press the thumbs gently but firmly against the area at mid point in your back,

5. If after several tries you can't detect any sign of a spine, don't panic. Simply start looking around for the strings or the hand operating you.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

OIC. Thanks

You are wrong I'm afraid. I am not, and never have been, head of press - or similar words like media either :-)

Fair enough the title I admit was a guess knowing that you have had a leading campaigning role but this is from your own site

"I was previously Head of Digital at MHP Communications and before that Head of Innovations at the Liberal Democrats where I ran the party’s 2001 and 2005 internet general election campaigns. I was also Co-Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice, the most widely-read Liberal Democrat blog in the UK, until 2013."

The Head of ....... liberal democrat ...... Was right.

Emine Ibrahim

Labour Party Candidate (Harringay Ward)

A co-editor of a blog is not exactly Head of Press. I have a printer. Does that make me a media baron ?

You seem determined to attack people on the most specious grounds. Why not attack them on what they say here ?

Please re-read my posts john - I said I do believe though I may be wrong. I got the actual title wrong I put my hands up but the point is not lost when you look at the roles. Head of innovations? I did challenge what they said - please as I said read my original post. Roberto and Mark have refused to answer the question about why they are claiming on doorsteps that the Lib Dems have nothing to do with the slashing of the decent homes budget which led to this beautiful but dilapidated estate being taken out of the decent homes programme. I know this to be fact for the reasons outlined in my original post. I refuse to be disingenuous and play party politics on this issue. The estate is in urgent need of repair and to claim otherwise is just wrong. The problem is that many of the houses need significant redesigning to be brought up to decent homes standards. The pods need to go as they were craned over the houses over 40 years ago to add indoor bathrooms to very small 2 up 2 downs. The pods had a life span of 25 years however we are 15 years beyond that. There is no alleyway access to the the backs of the houses meaning that family's will need to me moved out for the duration if the extensions are to be built. Also whilst the work is being carried out there would be no toilet or bath facilities. It is not a simple quick fix that will solve this - that's what happened 40 years ago and is why we are where we are. What tenants need is decent living conditions not their long suffering being used for political football. It is a relief to see at long last the surveyors on the estate.

Emine Ibrahim

Labour Party Candidate (Harringay Ward)

Ok. Not previously being conversant with the issues you have just explained, I'm grateful for the clarification of what this is all about. Without knowing the background your original posts, which I have read over and over, were most obscure.

I still don't see that it's relevant that Mark was Head of Paperclips. I don't think he's a candidate is he ?

Hi John

That's more to do with the fact that any resident looking at this discussion would believe Mark is somehow neutral and that's disingenuous. The rules of the site are I am told being applied to people who are not candidates but hold position in the Labour Party and that is right as when people read this they should be clear about interests.

Emine Ibrahim
Labour Party Candidate (Harringay Ward)

Only right that I should declare my interest then

In 1965 it was suggested that I should stand as Liberal candidate for Kingston upon Thames Council. ( I didn't )

In about 2001, I felt sorry for Charles Kennedy and sent him £5 to cover election expenses. He frittered it away on private jets so I did not repeat the gesture.

I've no idea of the finer points of LibDem Party etiquette. Such as who follows whom into the black tie fundraising dinner; who sits on which platforms at the party conference; etc.

But I do know that Mark Pack is hardly an occasional LibDem activist. And certainly not: "felt-sorry-for-you-Charlie-enclosed-please-find-fiver".

I occasionally read Mark's blog, because it can be thoughtful, interesting and well written. Not qualities I've ever associated with Lynne Featherstone or Cllr Richard Wilson. (Please let's not descend into the vast echoing cavern of meaninglessness that is the thought of Dear Leader Claire Kober).

To me, Mark's stuff can be more honest than the usual polspeak. An example is his flagging-up of the Chris ("Lord") Rennard allegations and the Helena Morrissey Report.

His political affiliation is crystal clear. Google if you want instant examples. His LibDem political blogging is also a matter or great pride to him. Mark quotes Andrew Marr's comment about him: “Influential [and] highly respected political commentator”.  The Daily Telegraph: “One of the party’s key thinkers on campaigning tactics and organization” .  The Daily Mail: "Influential Lib Dem blogger”

Though very modestly he does not quote Korean News: "Premier Pack Greets French PM".

Mark you are undoubtedly a big fish in a small (though probably shrinking) pond. With no need or wish to hide behind a pseudonym. So how about adding something like: Proud LibDem Blogger  under your posting on HoL? At least until after the local elections.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor.  Labour Party member.  Former Honorary Life President of the Claire Kober Appreciation Society.)



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