Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Morning all, anyone else have to call the police on two men up to no good this morning around 5/6AM? I've noticed blood outside our front door as they were trying to get in to our flat, also on the way up to Wightman Road (walking up Beresford on the left hand side of the street past the passage) I noticed more blood stains on numerous cars and a few wing mirrors from doors missing or hanging of.

This is the second time calling police on what appears to be the same guys as we had an incident last month, don't know why they are trying our place for the second time, door is double bolted and secure but it's far from the point, on the first incident police said they were drunk and moved them on, this time I'm not sure but will follow up on a report.

Anyway thinking if the police again just move them on for some anti social behaviour then is this enough? Enter Chuck Norris 

The police were called to other incidents of probably the same guys kicking doors (houses and wing mirrors) up on Wightman Road in and around the same time.

So again use those deadbolts/double locks, only take a second to twist.

We also have a fairly large dog who loves his sleep and was not best pleased by hearing these clowns so roared barking which woke us all up and had me at the window looking out at them and him growling to get out and go into attack mode.

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You may know a few of the buildings in the road belong to housing association L&Q, who are not keeping the properties in a good condition. The building next to my house has been left empty for a while, and apparently broken in by squatters. The guy break in to my house and took my builders material. Nothing major but left us with some damage and feeling unsafe.

My builders told me that the guy was arrested by the police, and few days later released and returned to the very same building! This time he managed his way to the roof top and stole zinc plates and insulation from few buildings.

I am now changing the locks and add security and theft alarm to the building, but I guess nothing works better than a tough dog, which unfortunately my is afraid of!

Why is it Anti Social Behaviour?  Why is it not crime?  I don't understand.

Indeed! However either or, what police does in response? Send you a few flyers, an officer to give you word of wisdoms ... Even if they arrest someone, keep them for a few days and send them back to the society w
Welcome to Beresford Road.

Reading the above prompted me to join" Harringay on line". Been a resident of Berresford Rd, I have complained to L&Q housing association a number of times about the rubbish in the front gardens but no joy. I like many would like to live in pleasant surroundings where one is respectful of your neighbours. We too were a victim of a crime carried out by someone who lives only doors away from us. What they stole had no value to them but an enormous value to us and caused us great stress. More action is needed to make our neighbourhood safe and clean.



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