Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Is anyone wondering what our Councillors are doing and why we, the Council taxpayer, should pay High Court damages for their Libel abd incompetence.

In this case Councillors were aware and the records clearly showed that Sylvia Henry was without blame yet for months they placed blame on her and it was even on Panorama – follow this link


Sadly there is nothing at all surprising or uncharacteristic either in their behaviour or indeed in the utter stupidity of their constant, pathological lying. If such stuff were repeated by an individual it would probably be considered not only as evidence of a serious personality disorder but also of brain damage, since you'd have to be very mentally challenged not to realise that lying on a matter that can be disproved in the public record is sure to be found out.

This is yet another example of where Harold Wilson went seriously wrong when gerrymandering the boundaries of Haringey to ensure it was forever Labour - for this is just the sort of thing Politicians try to get away with in a one party state.

How did it ever get as far as Court let alone the High Court and who sanctioned it that far along the legal chain? Only arrogance and an inability to eat humble pie and say sorry could get this matter so far.

We should not have to pay for this. The individual Councillors and their legal team that took it all the way to the High Court should pay.

John Leach

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I am pleased the girl got Justice unlike the many Children of Haringey, up to age 40+ now, the age of the Borough itself. We could all tell you stories that would make your toes curl about whats happened to us over the years, from the cradle, through education and beyond.... those of us that have survived that is....we all know people, old school friends, last seen seeking help from the Haringey Services, God rest their souls.....no compensation for them though!
So Tottenham Labour voters are unthinking and/or being bribed or blackmailed, huh? I must say I feel the same way about all the idiots who mindlessly vote Tory in Tunbridge Wells. Not to mention the incredible nincompoops in Sheffield who voted for Clegg. Democracy, it's so dumb, isn't it?
Ian: I note you haven't made any comment on the subject of the thread. Do you have any views on (a) the wisdom of the council taking this libel case all the way to the High Court and (b) the fact that whoever made the 'mistake' – the publication of defamatory falsehoods on the council''s website, may still be employed at LBH and (c) what all of this may say about the state of Childrens' Services?
As a digression -

Irrespective as to how or where you vote did it not strike you as odd that at a time when Labour went down badly in the General Election and after so many scandals and the Baby P case the Labour Party in Haringey was not exactly flavour of the month that they should increase their majority?

That struck me as very odd indeed.

Joihn Leach
I notice the arguments have strayed and what I really wanted to get across is I do not pay the Council Tax for it to be used to pay Libel damages.

Is that what you pay the tax for?

Haringey is Labour because of the way the boundaries were re-drawn by Wilson and it is a Labour fiefdom with no re-dress for any wrongdoing by Concillors because they have traditionally swept anything contentious under the table e.g. The two Walklate Reports on the Alexandra Palace fiasco where Adge should have been asked to explain himself. Instead it has disappeared from view with one former Council worker being blamed and one sacked - presumably with compensation - so far undisclosed. There are other examples of poor governance that has cost us dear.

So the only way to try and get some some rational thinking from our Councillors is to put a financial burden on those who misbehave - irrespective of which way you vote!

John Leach
I note the Government's disappointing response today, to the call for a public enquiry into this tragic case:

A petition on the No.10 website called on the PM to: launch a public inquiry into this harrowing death of Baby P right under the nose of the people that were there to protect him, and to ensure these failures never happen again.

Government response
There has understandably been a considerable amount of public interest in the tragic death of baby Peter Connelly, but the Government does not believe that a public inquiry would be a helpful or necessary step to take. Please be assured, however, that the Government is committed to greater transparency and openness in serious child protection incidents.

As you may be aware, the Coalition’s Programme for Government confirmed the new administration’s commitment to publishing anonymised Serious Case Reviews. This commitment was followed by the announcement on 10 June that the two Serious Case Review overview reports into the Peter Connelly case, along with the Serious Case Review overview reports into other high profile cases in Edlington, Kirklees and Birmingham, would be the first to be published in full, with identifying details removed. Ministers have also written to all Local Safeguarding Children Board Chairs and Directors of Children’s Services to confirm that Local Safeguarding Children Boards should publish overview reports of all new Serious case Reviews initiated on or after 10 June 2010.

The key purpose of undertaking Serious Case Reviews is to enable lessons to be learned from cases where a child dies or is seriously harmed and abuse or neglect is known, or suspected, to be a factor. In order for these lessons to be learned as widely and thoroughly as possible, professionals need to be able to understand fully what happened in each case and, most importantly, what needs to change in order to reduce the risk that such tragedies will occur again in the future. The publication of Serious Case Reviews is intended to help restore public confidence and improve transparency in the child protection system, and to ensure that the context in which the events occurred is properly understood so that relevant lessons are learnt and applied as widely as possible.

The Government also announced on 10 June that Professor Eileen Munro has been appointed to carry out an independent review to improve child protection in England. The review will, amongst other things, include a focus on improving transparency and accountability in the system. Professor Munro has also been asked to consider how Serious Case Reviews could be strengthened and whether there are alternative learning models that could be more effective and efficient.
Haringey Council and its cllrs are known for their arrogance, irresponsibility and failure to admit failures. They recklesly waste taxpayers money on issues that are unworthy... why do you think this is the case? ofcourse it is because the money they spend is not their own money and when things go wrong they are not only left blameless, council tax payers are left to pick up the tab. This culture must stop



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