Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

As my son was coming home this evening approx 5.45pm along Turnpike Lane he was approached from behind by 2 youths who were on a moped on the pavement, as they passed him they grabbed his wrist and tried to take his phone thank goodness he was not injured and they fled empty handed. So people please be careful out there, just to clarify they were on a moped which mounted the pavement in Turnpike Lane near Tina's Hair Salon.

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Your son was very brave. Two against one and having a phone and bike to keep hold of are not great odds. Well done to him and I hope it doesn't put him off. Crap how the only reason they don't go for me is I'm not a child.

Thanks for that John,My son was actually on foot it was the other two on what i initally thought was a bike,as it never crossed my mind that someone would mount the pavement...i am more shocked now! My son is 19 and quite tall which obviously makes no odds.

I once had a bag stolen while I was riding my bike, by someone on a motorbike who pulled alongside and snatched it.

Are there CCTV cameras in the spot where your son was mugged? (I got sent a fine recently for pulling over on GL to answer my phone - thought I was safe because no warden but caught on camera. There are loads of them around!)

More on this on Twitter tonight:

Thanks for that Hugh, I called snt today still waiting for call back,i just hope they are caught before they run someone over!

If you actually see things like this you MUST ring 999. Especially as someone writing above seems to have sent a  live message whilst it was happening.  Presumably the moped had no registration plate?

The latest POLICE advice is not to use your 'phone on the street especially around transport hubs.  Best to pop into a shop if the call is that urgent.  I know it is tempting to look at your 'phone on the street but alas now so dangerous.



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