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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

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eh? (thread title)

I would guess it's intended to attract attention


Ingo, can you explain who you are petitioning and also give some information about which local bodies, pols, residents' associations etc you have contacted?

You and the other local residents involved may find it useful to 'cast your net' and gather information about other alleyways which have posed problems; the measures taken to tackle them; and whether or not these worked.

One example, which you will know - but not everyone will - is another short-cut alley not far away, linking Pulford Road and Seven Sisters Road. The New Deal for Communities (NDC) project tried several ways to improve this.

In fact it seems to me there's a valuable piece of work to be done - maybe it has already been done? - to draw together the experiment and learning from a number of different locations where similar problems occurred or still occur.

You might also be interested in a current project by the charity Clear Village who've been working with local residents to find ways to improve the alleys near Holcombe Market. They are particularly focussed on artistic and similar "interventions" aimed at making alleyways not just safer and better lit, but more welcoming and attractive. If you're interested, please email me: alan.stanton@blueyonder.co.uk - or contact Clear Village directly. The local resident leading is Martin Ball.

Can I also please add a word of caution. (Apologies if this is obvious.) Flagging-up incidents of mugging and other risks is reasonable, of course. But it can make things worse if there are fewer people using the alley and therefore fewer "eyes" around. A self-fulfilling prophecy. What I assume you are aiming it is a "virtuous circle" where regular use of the alley helps to ensure that it becomes a safe route.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

Of no consequence, but thought I'd mention that I know both alleys very well. I used both quite frequently in the dark days of the 60s in the last century. The walkway through to Pulford Road (formerly Tewkesbury Road) is in fact, the former entrance to, and the site of a Horse Tram Depot. It only became a walk through to Pulford Road after the depot building was demolished and was prior to that, just an alley to the backs of the shops on Seven Sisters Road.

The Tewkesbury Road alley was always a thrill to use as kid in the 1960s, although it isn't really necessary to use it. Walking along Seven Sisters Road and down the Netherton Road hill isn't any longer and doesn't cause inconvenience.

Hi Alan ,

Interesting points and good leads as ever, shall follow up.

The petition shall at some point be aimed at certain LBH depts but at this point aims to act as crime mapping and consultation exercise.

A major developer has a commuy fund and may be drawn into the frame soon.

Can I suggest that if you want to map crime with any chance of accuracy - and haven't already done so - getting figures from the Police is essential.

Of course, people's perceptions are vital as well. Please take a look at the Clear Village alley survey data on what people said about the alleys on the east side of High Road Tottenham opposite Bruce Grove Station. It's on their website here.  Unsurprisingly there was a strong divergence in the views of men and women.

And if you want to find out what people think about an alleyway, it's better not to start by telling  them what you think. (For example, by calling it "Rape Alley".) Unless of course a particular alley is really so dangerous that perhaps it needs closing rather than improving.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

I'm an active member of a local residents' assoc and knew nothing about this - so no I don't think they have, but it's entirely possible they weren't aware of our existence so can't really blame anybody but ourselves for that...I know quite a few people who live in the Warehousese now (including a very young colleague of mine who didn't seem to know about this apparent issue), so while it's not a route I'd ever use, it greatly concerns me to read these reports.

Ingo, I would be happy to get this on the agenda at our RA which meets regularly with the SNT. It would be good to know what they have to say about this.

Hi SoTo Sister,

I met Jim (the chair) and discussed this, and how we wished to address it,  some time ago, but any chance to raise awareness amongst your members would be great.

The situation concerning your young colleague's lack of awareness, is unfortunately not uncommon. There's been a massive influx of people living here on the ex industrial complexes (I live in the first ever converted in manor house - 15 years ago, our complex has expanded from 3 to 350 residents in that time, and there are other sites. I set up an RA for this site and am encouraging people from the overbury, tewkesbury, eade, vale rd end to do likewise).

Alan - I met the previous Borough Commander about this before she moved on and got quite a few insights about the alignments needed to progress anything.

The police have discussed the most recent arrests, and the reports that they have received.

I am quietly confident of a resolution/transformation - perhaps of the kind you refer to Alan, suspect the impetus shall come out of the warehouse scene. 



PS Jim, the chair of STRA, was also attacked there, some years back.



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