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Application for Cukur Restaurant at 5-6 Grand Parade Finally Submitted

The saga of 5-6 Grand Parade has attracted a bit of attention on HoL this year after it was discovered that plans were afoot to open another double restaurant.

The formal application has now been made (in fact it was submitted on 23rd September but was only added to the Council's circulation list today).

6 Grand Parade is not an issue. It already has A3 (restaurant planning permission) Previously it was Tara and Hanci restaurant then it became Afters.

Number 5, however, is a different story. It had been granted A3 status temporarily for two years under the permitted rights scheme. That expired at the beginning of September last year.  An application to retain the A3 status was refused by Haringey as recently as March.

The reason for the refusal was to protect Green Lanes as a local high street. Haringey has a policy on the percentage of premises that may be run as A3. For many years planning ignored the policy (one assumes with political blessing). As a result, the level of A3s significantly overshot the limit.

43.17% of Green Lanes units are non-retail use. This exceeds the 35% limit set out in Haringey's policy.

About a couple of years ago, the Council began to adhere to the policy and started declining A3 applications. It's difficult to see how Haringey can now reverse its March decision and grant A3 for number 6 - but who knows.

The formal planning application along with a little Google magic tells us that the applicant is also the owner of Grand Parade's Adali Cake Show, along with a small supermarket in Upper Edmonton.

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I'm in two minds about this - I like that the council is clamping down and enforcing its own policy.

However, those two units have been closed for ages - so it'd be nice to see them open again. If the council refuses, will Mr Kilic simply pull out and leave them both closed? Maybe that's the line he'll take in the application...

I am reasonably single-minded. I would much rather see it unused to the point where the commercial rent is low enough to allow a wider range of potential operators to consider these units.

Even if the application is successful, the forces of supply and demand will most definitely play their part and the place will go bust, as it's been the case with Sira and Izmir - the 2 new entrants to the Green Lanes kebab market. 

Unless, what's behind it is the truly invisible hand that keeps a few other places on the high street open despite perennial lack of demand... 

Oooh, be careful Kotkas, the resident super hero knight in  shining armour will be along to defend the honour of all the wonderful business owners of Green Lanes, wouldn't want to impugn their reputations.

I certainly relate to your view Kotkas. I just don't like the empty units.

To confirm your question in the below there was (maybe still is) a building company's sign up over the door so unless they snuck a bit of free advertising it's certainly been going on a while.

Thank you Hugh. The link is here if anyone would like to comment, as the consultation period is open.


thanks Costa - hopefully this will get the comments it deserves - I will add mine in due course but was astonished to see some have said that works have been ongoing for weeks... 

I really hope the council reject this and help other more varied and useful businesses to take it.

There's too much charcoal fumes and litter being pumped into our environment as it is as well as all the extra traffic coming in.

Please no

While I agree that we've probably got more than enough restaurants on Green Lanes, it's a bit depressing that the latest non-food opening was a private dentistry and teeth-whitening outfit in the old Nationwide premises rather than anything more generally useful. (I think Savers was the last shop to open stocking goods with broader appeal.)

I've just been in France and Spain and yet again marvelled at the variety of small, owner-occupied shops and businesses on major streets, even in cities such as Madrid or Paris. What is it about continental Europe's property market that means small businesses can survive in high streets there, rather than the typical UK pattern of chains, expensive fast-food shops and short-term, high-turnover outlets like mobile phone repairers and nail bars? Our stretch of GL has few of the latter, but still seems unable to sustain businesses such as the carpet shop that used to exist near the Salisbury. Is it rents, pension fund property owners or Amazon? Of course, the developers of the Hawes & Curtis site promised an NHS health centre at street level, but should we be holding our breath for that?



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