Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

A speech in London on 4 December by Andres Duany has raised hackles among architects.

It may also be a chance to increase debate of the issues among the rest of us.

Duany is one of the U.S. gurus of "New Urbanism" who has been both garlanded for building and designing human-scale housing and developments; and criticised for his involvement with places like Poundbury.

I got interested in Duany after a visit to Vancouver. You can see him in a Vancouver city video about the large scale charrette (interactive public consultation) they did in East Fraserlands as part of a major new development.

More recently here's a link to a thought-provoking lecture he gave at Vancouver's Simon Fraser University.

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I enjoyed that. Thanks for posting the link.
Glad you liked that lecture, Joe. For you or anyone else interested in Andrés Duany's ideas, I came across another talk on YouTube - from 2006 or even earlier. This one - more helpfully - shows the slides Duany refers to!

Some of the issues he tackles may not seem immediately relevant to the problems faced by Harringay (and Haringey). But take a look. It certainly challenged many of my own assumptions. For example my view that rear alleyways are nothing but trouble. And that on-street parking tends to make roads less convivial and attractive.

He also has some things to say about that current holy grail - 'the sense of place' and the need for 'placemaking'.

The video is divided into nine short sections. These are the links on YouTube.
Parts: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9).



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