Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!


Sam Parsons with this photo she sent in:



Picking a winner was very difficult because there were a lot of great pictures, but in the end Sam's picture expressed what we thought was 'the market': these two ladies who are shopping at the breadstall. There are delicious croissants and baguettes on display. One of the ladies is reaching for her purse, looking for money to buy something. The other is just leaving, she's probably already bought something. They're both unaware of the photographer. We liked the colours and the fact that you can't tell that it was a rainy day.

Sam won a voucher worth 25 pounds to be spend on Harringay Market. However Sam, who was really surprised and happy to have won, said:

I really only entered the competition for a bit of fun, certainly not to win a prize so I honestly would be happy for you to invest the money into the running of the market or donate it to a local charity.

We both agreed on donating 25 pounds in cash to Wood Green Animal Shelter. Sam has a little rescue dog too and thought her dog would be very happy with the money going to the animal shelter.

Thanks to Hugh and HoL for co-sponsoring the competition and promoting it (and the market) so effectively.

I'd like to thank everyone who send us their pictures. Check them out on HoL's Storify

We've also added a few of the pictures made by HOL's talented photographer Sam Roberts on harringaymarket.co.uk .




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If you just got the picture from Instagram it will be the size. We can reduce the display size to the same size it shows on the Instagram, or you can ask Sam to send you a copy of the file from her phone which will be much higher resolution.

Display size reduced.

It's been a pleasure helping to promote the market. The reason I suggested the photo competition was to get vivid images the market out there on the day and I was delighted to share the cost of the prize.

The reason I support the market, Moka and Lemon and businesses like them is because they're all great community assets and deserve our support.

Use 'em or lose 'em.

And I'm sooo glad I left judging to you, Jessica. There were so many great pics. 



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